Page 109 of A Hero For Heather

“Fill me in,” he said. “And where you want me.”

“There is a hostage situation inside right now. We don’t know much. Information is coming in in pieces while we are trying to find out what we can about the gunmen. How many, how much ammo, and number of hostages. We are going to set snipers up at all possible exits. There are more on the way and some flying in,” Captain Wilson said to him.

Luke stood back and sat tight until he was told more of what was going on.

Local and state police were moving around and trying to get people out of the building and safe. He heard a lot of chatter but nothing concrete. He’d be told what he needed when the time came.

A chopper flew in and more snipers were getting off. This had to be bigger than he realized unless it had more to do with the size of the grounds they were covering.

Over an hour went by, with Captain Wilson and a negotiator finally getting information on what was going on inside.

“Gather around,” Captain Wilson said. “The news channels are here and they are watching.” It was hard to avoid it all. “We’ve got one gunman in there. A disgruntled employee and he has twenty hostages. Some casino workers and some patrons. The guy was fired for theft. Recently divorced, his ex-wife is trying to be located, but she’s moved from the area.”

So could be a lot of triggers for the guy, he thought. Never a good thing.

“What’s the plan?” one of the other snipers asked. Luke wasn’t gathering names. It’s not who he was. He was the new man, but some knew who he was. It hadn’t taken long for his reputation in the academy to make its way around.

Or the fact that on his second day on the job he saved his now girlfriend from a car that was catching on fire.

He supposed it was a good thing no one he worked with knew Heather and he were dating. He kept that part of his life private.

“We are going to start to move you into location to get eyes on all exits.” They heard a gunshot go off and everyone turned. “What’s going on in there?” Captain Wilson yelled.

People were scrambling and they heard another gunshot inside.

“That’s not good,” someone said to him. It wasn’t another sniper but local police that moved over to get some orders where he was keeping people back.

“No,” he said.

“We’ve got two injured inside,” Wilson said. Blueprints were spread out of the layout of the grounds. “We are getting all exits covered now. The gunman is getting more unstable and making demands.”

He wasn’t listening to anything else at that point other than where he needed to go. Some were in teams, others solo.

“Remington,” Wilson said. “You’re Bravo. I want you in the back kitchen entrance. The gunman knows that area well. It’s possible he is going to try to make an escape that way.”

Luke left the group, found his post on a neighboring roof and opened up his briefcase, putting his rifle together. He was looking down on the kitchen exit through his scope, buds in his ears to hear what was going on, but now it was a waiting game.

An hour passed, then two. He’d been in this position more than enough times in his life. He could wait here all night if he had to and planned on it.

It was late at this point, getting cold now too. Below fifty, but nothing was going to shake him.

He could hear the chatter going on. More gunshots inside and yelling.

“This is Delta. He’s on the move,” he heard in his ear.

He was hoping the guy was moving to any exit but his, but he’d be ready.

His finger was off the trigger and flexing, but he’d moved it back, ready to go.

“The suspect was last seen heading toward the kitchen, Bravo. We’ve got people on the move there. If you’ve got the shot, take it.”

Shit, he thought. He knew it in his gut and had hoped that it was not going to be his post.

It was his job and he’d be able to move on from it, as he had enough in his life.

He took a deep breath in. His heart rate was steady, his hand too. He was looking through the scope at the door and then shifted up just a floor above.

“I’ve got eyes on the suspect. He is above the kitchen,” Luke said. “I repeat, suspect spotted in the window two left of the kitchen exit.”