“But you were so important to me, Flynn. I grew so much because of you. I’ve never forgotten that.”

“I don’t know if that merits an invitation to an engagement party.”

She takes a deep inhale of the cigarette. I pray that the sprinklers don’t go off. “Of course, it does. I still have love in my heart for you, Flynn. I thought you might feel the same, but…” Adelaide trails off and puts on a face of disappointment. Even though I can see through her antics, I can hardly bear her sadness.

And yet, the hopeless romantic in me wants to say yes without hesitation because two weeks with Adelaide is better than none. Even if she’s engaged to another man. But there’s another part of me that I can’t seem to silence.

What is she getting out of this?

“I still care for you. Of course, I do,” I say. I won’t be her pathetic ex at her engagement party, though. No way, no how. “I’m just not sure if my girlfriend would approve.”

Her eyebrows shoot up, and her green eyes harden like jade. She was just as surprised as me when I said it. “G-girlfriend?”

There is no girlfriend. I’m just doing whatever I can to look like a little bit more of a man in her eyes. “Yes, it’s…” I begin and then shrug sheepishly. “We’re not public yet, so… discretion. As you said.”

Adelaide’s laser eyes soften. “Of course.”

“You can understand, she probably wouldn’t be comfortable with me celebrating your –“

“You’ll bring her then, obviously,” Adelaide says.

My mouth falls open. “What?”

“You don’t need to spare my feelings, Flynn. I’m engaged to another man, for goodness’ sake,” she says with a laugh, dropping the stub of her cigarette into her untouched glass of water. “Bring her. I’d love to meet her. See if she’s good enough for you.”

I don’t know what to say, so I just stare at her.

“I’m not taking no for an answer. My people will call your people,” Adelaide says, rising to her feet. “I’ve got to run to a fitting in Soho right now.”

I stand up quickly. “I’ll walk you out.”

“No, no, honey. You need to call your girlfriend and tell her you’re taking her on the trip of a lifetime.”

I don’t know if any imaginary or otherwise girlfriend would want to celebrate my ex’s engagement with me.

“But before I go, what’s her name?” she asks.

“Her name?”

Adelaide scoffs, “Don’t act so secretive. I don’t need her whole name, Flynn. Just the first one will do.”

And I say the first name that comes to mind: “Stella.”

“Stella and Flynn. Aww.” Adelaide pats my chest. “I’m looking forward to meeting Stella.”

I can barely utter a goodbye as she walks out.What have I just done?

How am I going to tell my best friend I’ve just said his little sister is my girlfriend?

Chapter 2


Ilookdownintothe box on the floor, halfway hoping it’s empty. But no. As usual, an empty box around here only means one thing.

Puppies or kittens.

Today, it’s puppies. Just my luck.