“We’vemanagedtoworkout most of the bugs, but for some reason, the program is shutting down after fifteen minutes.”

I sigh as I pace back and forth on the pool deck. “Well, that’s not good.”

“Understatement,” Colin retorts. “How’s the party?”

I glance up at the view. We’ve started off the engagement tour at Santorini. White buildings with blue roofs pepper the hillside while the blue sea sparkles with the midday sun. “We’ve made our first stop in Santorini. Pool day,” I say dryly.

“You say that like it’s a punishment.”

I wish I could enjoy it. But my mind has been racing ever since I landed in Athens. There’s always something to think about that is taking me from the present moment. For one, leaving Wired Reality behind wasn’t the smartest move. We are supposed to be providing our investors with a finished product by September for a projected first-quarter release next fiscal year.

For another, the whole reason I’m here is Adelaide. She’s been on my mind persistently since we arrived, even when I’m not near her. Sometimes I feel my blood boil thinking about her and Theo in the master suite together doing God knows what. Other times, I feel my heart break in two at what an utter fool I am to attend my ex-girlfriend’s engagement party.

And finally, there’s Stella. I was worried I’d have to keep tabs on her and make sure she’s not saying something ridiculous that’s going to blow our cover. Instead, I’m just flabbergasted at how she’s fit right in with some of the guests, specifically Cash, who seems to find Stella completely enchanting.

All those things together have me walking through a haze. I’m standing in one of the most beautiful places on earth and can’t even see through my own bullshit.

“You think it might have been a mistake?” Colin asks.

“No,” I say firmly and quickly. “No, not at all.”

“What’s your goal by being there? You’re trying to break Theo and Adelaide up?”

“No.” Not in so many words, but there is a sliver of hope in me that being around me for two weeks is going to make Adelaide realize what a mistake she’s made. “More like… exposure therapy.”Stop lying to yourself, Flynn.

I feel a splash of water at my ankles and look down into the pool. Stella pokes up her head from the water. She’s the only girl at the party that’s gotten her hair wet. In fact, she’s the only one actually swimming. Adelaide and her friends are laying out tanning, Cash is bouncing around on a lounge floatie, and Stella is flailing around like a mermaid. “Hey! Get off the phone!” she says, wiping water out of her eyes.

“It’s your brother,” I say with a smile.

Stella folds her arms on the edge of the pool. Her curls are tied back in a big bun, dripping with water. “Tell him I say hi and that you have to get off the phone!”

“Stella, we’re talking about business things, I can’t just –” I begin.

Colin quickly cuts me off. “Is she telling you to get off the phone? I’ll get off the phone.”

“Colin, no, we –”

“Give me a call after your dinner, I’ll update you on how my day has gone. And Flynn?”

“What?” I grunt.

“Try to have a little fun, would ya?” Colin says with a laugh before hanging up the phone.

I sigh heavily and glance down at Stella. “Okay, off the phone. You happy?”

She gives me a crooked smile. “Just want you to relax a little, Flynn. You’ve been on edge this whole time and…” She shrugs. “I guess you’re used to going beautiful places with beautiful people.”

Stella is right to point out that I seem a bit like an ingrate. Once you’ve been in the lap of luxury for too long, you start to get jaded. I sit on the edge of the pool and stick my legs in the water. “There. You happy?”

She laughs. “I’ll take it.”

I wiggle my feet back and forth. The hot sun beats against my back.

“Should I… touch you or something?” Stella asks nervously.

I feel my heart flutter. “Um. I guess.”

Stella puts her hand on my knee. “Does this look awkward?”