“It feels awkward.”

“Well, obviously, it feels awkward,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Fine. If you want it to be weirder.” Stella pushes my knees apart and steps between them looking up at me.

I can’t help but notice how close she is to my crotch. Even though we’re pretending, she’s still a beautiful woman in between my legs. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, fucking act like you like me,” she says.

“I do like you.”

She puts her elbow on my thigh and harrumphs. “Yeah, right.”

I lean back on my hands. Gotta say, this is a beautiful sight. Stella has already gotten a bit of a tan from our days on the high seas and a few freckles have appeared around her nose. I swallow. Can’t look for too long or else I might start feeling things I know I can’t. I draw my gaze across the pool to where Adelaide is flanked by Brandy and Chiana. Her eyes are covered with round, black sunglasses that she pulls down the bridge of her nose, smirking as our eyes meet.

“Oh, shit,” I whisper to myself without thinking.

Stella follows my gaze and sighs. “You’re really whipped, aren’t you?”

“Not whipped, just –”

“I get it. She’s beautiful. But she’s also an asshole,” Stella says.

I laugh. “Thanks for keeping me grounded.”

“Isn’t that what you love about me, baby?” she taunts, batting her eyelashes up at me, her hands sliding down to my calves.

Not love, but like. Something I really like about her. Blunt, witty, and not willing to take any shit.

“I know you want to go talk to her,” Stella sighs.

I almost refute her. Say I’d rather be sitting here with her.

I don’t know what’s true anymore.

“Take off your shirt,” Stella says abruptly.

I touch the t-shirt I’ve been wearing since we docked. “What?”

“Come on, Flynn. Take it off,” she says with a sneaking smile. “You look like a dad who is chaperoning a pool party with that thing on.”

“Isn’t that what I kind of am?”

“Not when you’re packing those abs under there.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“I share a room with you, dummy. Haven’t tried to look on purpose,” she says and then pushes herself off the wall, floating away. “Just saying. You might like the attention.”

I watch Stella’s form obscured through the water. I’ve been sharing a room with her too and got a few glimpses of what I shouldn’t have out of the corner of my eye or reflections of the mirror. Her body is… dynamite. Nothing like that of a long, lithe model.

She’s got hips and ass that don’t quit no matter the time of day.

I try so hard not to look, but Stella’s a knockout.

And if she thinks there’s something to write home about my body too, well… I’d like to give her that satisfaction.

I pull my shirt up over my head and am immediately met with a hoot and holler from Cash and Stella.

“Stella didn’t tell me you looked like that under there!” Cash cries out, nearly spilling her alcoholic slushy into the pool.