“It really embodies what we’re going for in our next collection, don’t you think, Gregory?”

“Yes, really embodies what we’re going for.”

Cash, from what Flynn told me after we made the rounds of meeting everyone during the champagne toast, used to be the head designer for Buq but then branched out to make her own eponymous brand that has both a luxury and more commercial market.

“Spring trends are going to be very bohemian, very Dungeons and Dragons chic, you know?” Cash explains.

Flynn laughs into his napkin.

She’s not far off base with my Ren Faire dress.

“You know, we want medieval without the plague,” Cash explains.

“Yes, no plague,” Gregory adds.

“I can assure you this is the first time that Stella is ahead of the trends,” Flynn remarks.

I step on his toe under the table. “Don’t be rude,dear,” I say with a grin.

“It’s a compliment really,darling,” he says, putting his arm on the back of my chair. “Stella marches to the beat of her own drum.”

“That much is obvious,” Adelaide pops out from the head of the table.

I withhold a glare.

Unless she’s trying to rub salt in the wound.

“Well, I can tell,” Cash says to Adelaide. Apparently, Adelaide has spent some time as Cash’s favorite model. “There’s something so delicious about it. Someone unafraid to show up as her full self. Comfortable shoes and all.”

My toes curl in my Tevas. Flynn laughs some more. “Shut up,” I say, shoving him on the shoulder harder than is probably “cute”.

“Yes, shut up, Flynn. You showed up in the same linen suit every other man here is wearing. Stelladared.”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but –”

“Hush,” Cash interrupts. “You’re my new icon.”

I can feel Adelaide glowering at me from the head of the table.

“Have you ever modeled?”

My eyes widen. “Uh, no.”

“She’s lying, Flynn?” Cash points at Flynn with her fork.

“Uh…” Flynn glances at me.

“I haven’t! Swear to God,” I intervene quickly and then sip my small glass of ouzo, grimacing at the flavor of anise.

Cash shakes her head. “That’s criminal.”

“Criminal,” Gregory echoes.

“I agree,” Flynn says.

I do a double take. “What?”

“I mean…” He shrugs. He’s just being nice because he has to be. Because we must feign attraction andlove. “I think you’d be a great model.”