Page 62 of Bratva Baby

The wound of Misha’s death is still fresh on my soul, and it’s been pouring rivers of blood over my eyes.

This won’t be easy.

Yan steps out of the car, hobbling a bit as his bad foot catches on the inside of the door.

We both put on masks before entering the building. I don't want Rhett to see who I am, even though I'm sure he already knows.

He might not have been the one who pulled the trigger, but he was still involved. And now, he's going to tell me who was behind it all.

I lead the way in, my hand hovering over my gun. Rhett is tied to a chair in the middle of the room, looking more than a little nervous as we approach. I can't help but feel a surge of anger as I look at him, but I push it down.

“Who hired you?” I ask, my voice guttural and dangerous.

Rhett attempts to turn away from me, hoping that in some alternate universe, he’s about to wake up from a horrific dream. He wants what everyone wants – to wake up in a perfect world, free of sin, safe and happy with the people he loves.

But that’s not the fate that he’s set himself up for, and it’s in his best interest to impede my mission as little as possible.

“Answer me, you fucking worm,” I snap, pressing the muzzle of my gun up to his temple.

Rhett swallows hard before answering. “A man named Derick. He's a black-market arms dealer from New York, and he's expanding his sales further south into North Carolina. He wanted to take out his competition, and when he found out that you were making a deal with Johan, he hired me to drive the car while one of his guys shot Misha.”

I feel a cold rage settle in my chest as Rhett speaks. This Derick is responsible for my brother's death, and now he's after me too. I'm not going to let him get away with it.

“What else do you know about Derick?” I demand, leaning closer to Rhett.

“He's a dangerous man,” Rhett says, fear in his eyes. “He's got connections all over, and he's not afraid to use violence to get what he wants.”

“Neither am I,” I growl. “I want you to tell meeverythingyou know, Rhett.”

Rhett stays silent for a few moments before finally speaking. “I don't know much more about him. I just know he hired me to drive the car.”

“Who else was involved?” I bark, beginning to lose my patience.

Rhett hesitates, but then he looks up at me. “There was a guy named Theo. He was the one who did the shooting.”

My anger spikes at the mention of Theo's name. “Where is he now?”

“I don't know. I swear,” Rhett says quickly.

I grab him by the collar and nearly pull him out of his bindings. “You're lying to me,” I growl.

Yan interjects, “Ruslan, calm down. Let's try to handle this without hurting the guy.”

I release Rhett and take a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

I turn to Yan. “I need to know where Theo is. He needs to be brought to justice.”

Yan nods. “We'll find him, but we need more information. Rhett, you need to tell us everything you know.”

Rhett looks down at the floor, his shoulders slumped. “I don't know where he is. Derick's men picked him up after the shooting. They left me with a stolen car after telling me they were going to help me dump it. Theo got paid more, so he got more help. That’s how I got caught.”

I narrow my eyes at Rhett. “You're still lying to me.”

Rhett looks up at me, fear in his eyes. “I swear, that's all I know.”

I consider his words for a moment before deciding to take a different approach. “What if I told you that if you don't give me the information I need, I'll make sure you never see the light of day again?”

Rhett's eyes widen in fear, tears tempting the corners of his eyes. “Please, I'm telling you everything I know.”