“They don’t look like they are. I think they might’ve just gotten mixed up with The Red Council as they were sailing around on patrol. It’s not unusual for them to be out in this area, especially when the weather is good,” I explain.
“Okay, but please be careful,” she begs as I leave.
“I will,” I call over my shoulder, but my fate is no longer up to me.
I never thought I’d be taking sides with the police, but in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I walk up to the door unarmed because I know that the less of a threat I look like to them, the less likely they are to blast me the moment I let them inside. One man with a gun isn’t going to be able to stop five armed and scared cops.
I take a deep breath, collecting myself and smiling as I open the door.
Please, God, don’t let me die today.
“You’re not from around here,” the leader of the group says in perfect English.
“Oh, thank goodness,” I say, welcoming them inside. “No, no, I’m not from here, but this is my island.”
“Oh, you are the owner? I assumed nobody was here, so we took refuge. We were attacked by a group of pirates,” he explains as the rest of his men enter.
I close the door and turn to face them. “Listen, I know this is going to sound a little wild, but those people who attacked you aren’t pirates. They’re part of a terrorist group that have a grudge against me and are probably on their way to the house as we speak. The only solution we have is to fight back.”
He nods, the heavy lines on his face becoming even more prominent as he frowns. “Then we will fight. I hope you have a weapon.”
“Plenty,” I reply with a grin. “But let’s keep all this between us, shall we?”
“We will talk about payments after we have secured the island,” he replies.
He’s talking about a bribe, and I’m thankful that he’ll accept one instead of turning me in when this is finished. These days, corruption is making a hasty retreat, but for those who can afford it, plenty of government officials are still willing to look the other way.
I take the group of men up to the bedroom where Taylor is waiting. They look surprised to see her, but they quickly take positions at the windows to await the arrival of our common foe.
“I didn’t get your name,” I say to the leader after grabbing a rifle from the closet.
“Mansur. It means victorious,” he says proudly.
“Fitting,” I reply, shaking his hand. “My name is Danya. Not sure what it means, but I hope it’s something good.”
We both laugh, and Taylor looks at me with cautious amusement. Maybe it’s admiration, or perhaps she thinks I’m crazy. I’m not sure.
I turn to address her. “You don’t have to join us. In fact, I’d prefer if you didn’t. I don’t want to risk losing you.”
“I can help,” she insists.
I shake my head. “No, I won’t let you. I love you too much to put you at risk. I want you to wait in the bathroom until the shooting stops. Don’t leave until I come for you.”
“And if you don’t?”
I take her hand and pull her into the cold, sterile bathroom. “I will.”
“Hey, lovebirds! We’ve got company!” Mansur shouts from the room.
I close the door as Taylor opens her mouth to speak. Whatever it is she has to say, it’ll have to wait.
It’s time to fight.