Page 59 of Filthy Husband

His body stiffens. “Right. We can’t keep you here. The cold won’t be good for you.”

“It’s cold in Russia, too.”

“We won’t go to Russia. I have an island off the coast of Mozambique we can live for a while. I could have a couple of doctors flown in to care for you,” he says.


“An African country close to Madagascar. I’m sure you’ve seen the movie.”

“Oh, right. Okay, so it’s going to be quite a different sort of place. Is it safe?” I ask, knowing very little about Africa in general. My summer vacations were usually to tourist traps in France and Italy.

“Mozambique, not so much, but we’re not going there. I have an island with private security,” he replies. “You’ll be safe there, and very few people know about it.”

“How do you go about getting so many places like that?” I ask.

“I bought it,” he replies simply.

I roll my eyes. “Well, duh, but how do you have property in Russia, Antarctica, and Africa? I didn’t think you could just buy places like that.”

“Well, for one, I don’t own anything in Antarctica. This entire mining operation is illegal, and we’ll be in huge trouble if they ever find us. The place in Russia, I obviously just bought it regularly. As for the island, well, it was a gift from a politician I helped out there some time ago,” he explains.

I make quotes with my fingers. “Helped out.”

“I had a couple of his opponents picked off, and he ended up winning a local election,” he replies with a satisfied grin.

“I think I would’ve been better off not knowing. Ignorance is bliss, they say.”

He nods. “For some.”

“For me it is, so ignore me next time I press you on something like that. I appreciate what you do, but I still find it morally reprehensible,” I say.

He chuckles, giving me a critical look. “You’re fine with benefiting off something you disapprove of?”

I push my thumb into my chest. “Yes, that’s me, the world’s biggest hypocrite.”

“I suppose as long as you realize it, that’s fine.”

“I’m more concerned with making sure my baby is healthy. If you want to shoot people and make deals with crooked politicians, have at it. Just don’t get yourself killed or imprisoned, and we’re good.”

“I’ll try my best,” he replies, smiling again as he looks down at my belly. “Wow, I just can’t believe it’s really happening. I’m so excited!”

“Oh, but one more thing before we leave,” I say, holding up a finger as I remember my promise to Yana. “I need you to help out one of the girls in unit B. Her name is Yana, and I told her I’d get her a bigger room.”

He tilts his head down, raising both eyebrows. “You did what?”

“She gave me a pregnancy test. Plus, she was very nice to me, and I told her I’d get her a bigger room.”

He sighs. “Alright, but don’t go around trading favors with everyone here. There are only so many extra rooms.”

“She can have ours, since we’re leaving,” I suggest.

He looks around, and I can see the reluctance on his face, but when he turns back to me, he smiles. “Alright, but just for Yana. I’m not doing this for anyone else, okay?”

I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. “You’re the best.”

