Page 37 of Filthy Husband



Ithought Danya was joking about the submarine trip to Antarctica until I was given a grey jumpsuit and briefed on the emergency procedures should we wreck and sink to the bottom of the ocean. It doesn’t inspire confidence, but I suppose it’s better than not knowing what to do in the fringe case that we do wreck.

And itisa fringe case. I asked Danya about a million times afterward to make sure. I only stopped when he started to get annoyed, but it’s still a worry as we begin to descend.

“How deep does it go?” I ask, clutching my seat like we’re about to do an underwater somersault.

“Deeper than you went last night,” he replies, his serious face breaking out into a smirk for a fraction of a second before returning to its usual stern appearance.

“Should I tell your friends in Antarctica that you begged?” I ask, giving him a bossy look. “Or would you prefer for them to know that you liked having your own cum in your mouth?”

He laughs, but he looks uncomfortable, like I just twisted his nipples. “I don’t think anyone needs to know what goes on in our bedroom, darling. Besides, it’s your word against mine.”

“So, what you’re saying is that you don’t mind me running my mouth?”

“Do that, and you’ll get another spanking.”

“Oh, I’m so scared. Don’t spank me, daddy,” I reply sarcastically.

He glares at me. “Don’t start.”

“You started it. I was just asking a question,” I reply, crossing my arms.

“Which was?”

“How deep does this thing go?”

He smirks, looking tempted to make the same joke twice, but he holds back and tells me the truth. “Itcango about three-hundred meters, but we cruise at around a hundred.”

I nod. “So, deeper than I went last night.”

He smiles, shaking his head at me but loving the banter. I know he needs someone with a sense of humor to break down his walls. He’s used to being surrounded by serious men all the time, and I’m probably his first experience with someone who isn’t a total buzzkill.

The submarine descends and begins to move forward. Once we reach the top speed, we get up and start walking around the vessel. Danya wants to show me around, but I think after a couple of days on this thing I’m going to be counting the screws in the walls. He doesn’t need to show me anything.

“This is where we sleep,” he says, opening a thick metal door and flicking on a light.

I’m shocked by how small it is, and the fact that it has six beds. We only need one, unless other people are joining us. I’m not sure I’m ready to share a cramped room with the crew. I’ve seen some of those guys and they look like they got so used to their cell in prison that when they got out, they opted for the tiniest place they could live – Danya’s submarine.

“We’re sleeping alone, right?” I ask, moving closer to Danya.

“No, we all sleep together, but it’s never at full capacity. We usually sleep in shifts so there’s always enough crewmembers awake and alert in case of an emergency.”

“You see, I keep hearing about emergencies, and I’m not sure I’m too keen on all that.”

He looks at me with a frown. “That’s the cost of this lifestyle. There’s always something to be worried about.”

“Fuck, I was hoping you’d say something different,” I reply, feeling anxiety just thinking aboutanythinghappening this deep underwater. I can hardly stand the idea of sleeping this deep, much less something bad happening.

“It is what it is,” he says, turning the light off and closing the door. “We have enemies like everyone else.”

“Not like everyone else. Some people are nice and follow the law,” I reply in the snarky sort of way he doesn’t like.

He takes my hand and pulls me down the hallway, doing his best not to react to my words. He’s gotten better about that, I’ve discovered. It used to be that he’d get into an argument about almost anything, but now he seems to let a lot more slide for the sake of keeping the peace.

In theory, that’s a good thing, but in reality, it means I have one less lever to use to get my way. I guess I’ll be doubling down on blowjobs and edging him into submission. Whatever works.