Deciding that we've had enough of the teasing, I take hold of Monica's hand and guide her over to one of the fold-out tables set up in the backyard. I settle into a seat and watch as Monica attempts to sit next to me.

"No, not like that," I playfully object, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

"Jared," she protests, but her giggle tells me she isn't too upset.

"I can't have my lady too far away," I confess, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"You're so clingy," she remarks, though she leans into me nevertheless.

"Only for you," I assure her, wearing an expression that I imagine would earn a laugh from Tyler if he saw it.

I'm completely enamored and love-struck. Monica is the only one for me.

With her sitting here, it feels like the right moment to ask a question that has been on my mind for weeks.

"Hey Mon, can I ask you something?" I say, trying my best to conceal any nervousness.

"Yes, of course," she replies, running her fingers through my hair, sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

"Well, I love you deeply and intend to have you in my life for as long as you'll allow. And, as you pointed out, I'm clingy, so not having you in my home makes me incredibly sad at times," I confess, pouting slightly to emphasize my point.

She lets out a small giggle and playfully pecks at my bottom lip.

"Alright, and is there something I can do to make you less sad?" she asks, her smile indicating that she already has an idea of where I'm headed.

"There is, indeed," I reply, my nerves slowly dissipating as I gaze into her eyes. "Move in with me."

The fact that her smile persists feels like a positive sign.

"But what about Archer?" she asks, though I can practically feel her excitement at my proposal.

"He's on board. In fact, I think he's excited about the idea," I inform her, having discussed this with Archer a few days ago.

"Well then, if he's okay with it..." Monica trails off, creating a dramatic pause. "I'm in."

My heart feels like it will burst from my chest at her agreement. I want to take her back upstairs for another round, but I know it will have to wait. Besides, there will be plenty of time for that once she's moved into my place.

"How did I get so lucky?" I ask, gazing up at Monica, as if she were a precious treasure.

And she is, to me.

"I should be asking the same thing," she tells me, allowing her hand to glide down the side of my face, cradling my cheek.

I lean into her touch because Monica makes me feel safe, cherished, and loved.

These feelings are ones that I expect will only continue to grow.



"Does that feel good?" Jared whispers from his spot behind me in bed, his hands massaging my stomach.

"Yeah," I breathe out, savoring this moment of relaxation.

The sensation of the baby oil being rubbed on my stomach by his strong, beloved hands is exactly what I needed after a long day at work.

"Why don't you take time off? I don't like you being at work when you're this pregnant," Jared says, punctuating his words with a kiss to the side of my neck.