He lets out a small laugh, but there's little humor behind it.
"But what I didn't consider was how I would feel about losing you. I'm tired of being scared. I want you, Tyler, and Archer all in my life. I'll fight for it, if I have to," he continues.
I stand there, expecting Jared to tell me that there's no possibility of us being together. But it doesn't come. In fact, he's telling me the opposite.
"I love you, Monica. I love you so much that it hurts. I want countless aquarium dates with you and Archer. I want to hold you before I fall asleep and wake up beside you. My body longs for you, and it would be foolish of me to let you go," he explains, his words seeming insufficient to express the depth of his emotions.
Yet, I can see it in his eyes—the hope, the longing, the love.
I take a cautious step closer to his desk. "I'm scared too, Jared. I don't want you to push me away like that again. I don't think I could handle it a second time."
Upon hearing my words, Jared abruptly rises from his desk, circling around it to stand in front of me. I know I should probably retreat as he extends his hands to grip my arms. One touch would be enough to make me yield. But I don't, because deep down, I know what I truly want.
His hands tightly grip my arms as his gaze penetrates mine.
"I won't do that again. I want you, Monica. And I won't let you leave again. This is what I want, always," he earnestly declares.
And though I should perhaps exercise more caution, I believe him. So, without uttering a word, I lean my body into his, releasing a deep sigh as his arms envelop me in a tight embrace.
We stand there, reveling in each other's presence. Yet, my mind is still swirling with the other pressing issues we face.
"But what about Tyler? Won't he be angry?" I inquire, concerned that Jared's fear of losing his best friend will continue to drive a wedge between us.
"Guess who encouraged me to pursue this?" He smiles, and I should have guessed.
The bond between those two is impossible to break.
"But what about the custody battle?" I fret, contemplating the implications of our relationship on that front.
"I spoke to Charles. He doesn't believe our relationship will pose a problem since you're a consenting adult. Besides, I won't allow Jessica's threat to ruin this relationship," he assures me, his forehead leaning against mine.
It feels perfect—the closeness of our bodies, the mingling of our breaths. Letting go of this would be foolish.
“So, you’re sure? About this... about us?" I inquire, my voice tinged with uncertainty, still harboring a fear that Jared could vanish at any moment.
"I'm sure. I've never been more certain about anything in my life," he reassures me, tilting his head back slightly to meet my gaze directly.
While the rational part of me urges caution, a larger part of me recognizes that I'm already fully committed.
Without hesitation, I confess, "I love you, too."
And the words feel right as they come out of my mouth. It’s even better seeing the huge grin that appears on Jared’s face as they do.
“Say it again,” he mumbles, his eyes fixed on me.
"I love you," I tell him, unable to suppress the smile that spreads as I utter the words. Being able to express my feelings is liberating. Keeping my emotions locked away wasn't healthy for me. Now, I feel as light as a feather, no longer burdened by the weight of my emotions alone.
"Again," he whispers, his gaze now focused on my lips.
"I love you," I repeat, prepared to say it as many times as he desires. But I don't need to. As the final syllable escapes my lips, Jared's head darts down, capturing my mouth with his own. I silently remind myself to never let a day pass without kissing him again. The sensation of his soft lips against mine has me melting further into his embrace. Only Jared's grasp prevents me from losing my footing.
"I love you, too," he breathes out, his voice trembling as he withdraws his lips and starts planting kisses along my neck. I revel in the sensation, but then I remember why I came to see him in the first place, the letter of resignation still clenched in my hand.
"Jared, I came here to give you my letter of resignation. Even though we're back together, I still think it might be best for me to stop working here," I explain, aware that I'll miss the thrill of sneaking into his office for a midday romp.
He lets out a deep sigh. "I suppose you're right. But you're allowing me to find you a job elsewhere."