"You're wasting your time," Tyler says, standing up to head back upstairs.

"Wait, Tyler, please... I..." What? What is it I need him to know so badly? What is it that I need to tell him to make him understand?

I settle on the first words that come to mind.

"I'm in love with her!" I exclaim. It's enough to stop Tyler in his tracks. He lowers himself back into his seat.

"Come again?" he asks, a look of confusion painted across his face.

"I love her, Tyler. I love spending time with her, I love seeing her with Archer, I love the idea of waking up with her every day. I love her," I tell him earnestly, letting words that I should have told Monica tumble out of me.

"But why, Jared? She's eighteen years younger than you. You knew her when she was a baby. Not to mention, you two don't even like each other," Tyler says, the grimace on his face deepening as he lists all the reasons I shouldn't be with her.

"I didn't like her, past tense. And now, I love her. Yes, I knew her as a baby, but Ty, she isn't a baby anymore. She's a woman whom I love and..." I struggle to add the next words, but I know them to be true in my heart. "And I need her in my life. And if you can't accept that, then that's your problem."

He looks at me, sizing me up, as if he wants to pounce on me. "But why did you lie?" he asks.

"Because I knew you would react the way you did. And the thought of losing our friendship made me sick," I tell him honestly, hoping he understands I mean it.

He stares at me before letting out a deep sigh, dropping his head down to his chest. He leaves it there for a moment before finally lifting it up to look at me.

"I just don't know how I'm supposed to handle this. You're telling me I have to see you guys all couple-y at every family get-together now?" He grimaces.

I chuckle at his concern. Of course, that would be what he focuses on.

"I don't know either. But I'll agree to keep the PDA to a minimum for the time being," I tell him, a small smile appearing on my face at the banter.

He remains silent for a few seconds before saying, "I still don't like it... but I guess you both are adults."

I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "You don't know how much that means to me."

"Monica's still a toddler in my head," he tells me with a wistful smile, but it quickly fades as he adds, "and you're the guy who blacked out on my living room floor following your bachelor party."

I laugh at the memory. "And you're the guy who took care of me anyway."

"I wouldn't call leaving you a cup of water taking care of you, but I appreciate the sentiment," Tyler jokes, and for the first time today, I feel that things will be okay.

"So," he begins, looking slightly uncomfortable about having to express himself, "I guess you and Monica are a thing now."

A pang of dread stabs me in the gut. After what happened earlier, I doubt she even wants to talk to me.

"I don't know, man. This morning, I was so worked up that I told her we probably shouldn't see each other anymore. You know, to not make the situation worse." I nervously rub the back of my neck.

Tyler looks at me as if I just grew another head. "You're telling me that after all this drama, you guys aren't going to be together? Maria will be so disappointed in you."

I chuckle at the thought, but it comes out dryly. "I'm sure I'm more disappointed in myself."

"Then why don't you make things right?" he asks, as if the answer is completely obvious. "You'll be seeing her at work, won't you?"

If she comes back to work. I can imagine her hating me enough to just quit. But if I'm lucky enough for her to show up tomorrow, then I won't let the opportunity to win her back pass me by.

“Okay. You're right. Tomorrow," I say, trying to psych myself up, despite the trepidation I feel at the prospect that she won't want to take me back.

"Now, if you excuse me, the kids are at my mom's, and Maria and I rarely get time alone, so..." Tyler trails off, drawing out the last word.

"Got it, I'm out of here," I say, turning around but stopping in my tracks to add, "thanks, man."

Tyler gives me a small grin. While I know things may be stilted for a while, I'm confident they'll be okay eventually. Maybe I should have had more faith in our friendship.