"So, you guys just hang out now?" Tyler asks, still sounding skeptical.

"Well, Tyler, we have known each other for twenty-five years. We're adults and work together. It was about time we buried the hatchet," Jared says, his voice sounding relaxed, as if nothing is amiss.

Tyler takes a moment to consider Jared's words, his eyebrows furrowed as he mulls it over in his mind. It feels like an eternity as we wait for someone else to say something.

Has our cover been blown? Is Tyler onto us? I didn't plan for this dinner to turn into a confrontation between the three of us. Hopefully, Tyler's long exposure to Jared’s and my mutual animosity is enough for him to dismiss the possibility of us being involved romantically.

"Well, I didn't think I'd live to see the day," Tyler finally says, though his expression is still unconvinced.

"Me either," Jared adds, trying to lighten the mood.

I attempt to join in with a lighthearted laugh, but it comes out stilted and awkward. Thankfully, as they always do, the kids come to the rescue.

"I want to go to the aquarium," Caden blurts out, followed by Lyla saying, "Me too."

Their innocent interruption shifts the attention away from Jared and me, with their parents assuring them that they will go to the aquarium.

The rest of dinner proceeds smoothly, but I can't stop thinking about how close we came to being discovered. I know that sooner or later, something will have to give.



"But Uncle Mike hates Cousin Derek," Monica reminds her mom as they review seating arrangements for her parents' wedding anniversary celebration.

"You're right. Good thing you're here," her mom responds, quickly making the necessary adjustment.

"Jared, do you think the kids should have their own table? Or should we seat them with their parents?" Beth asks, turning her attention to me.

Monica's mom asked us to help with the planning for her wedding anniversary. While it's not uncommon for me to be here, I was surprised by the invitation. Nonetheless, I came along, bringing Archer with me, who is currently playing in the basement.

"I think they would be better off seated with their parents, so someone can keep an eye on them," I explain, receiving a nod of agreement from Beth.

"I was thinking the same thing," she says, jotting down the note.

"Archer will probably have to keep an eye on you and Tyler," Monica jokes, anticipating that the two of us might get into trouble with the open bar her parents are splurging on.

"He would do a good job," I muse, sounding serious, as if I would actually allow that to happen.

It earns me another laugh from Monica, which brings a smile to my face. That seems to be my default reaction whenever she's close.

"You two seem to be getting along nicely," Beth says, a slight smile on her face that only mothers can pull off.

"Yeah, work has helped with that," Monica explains, though our eyes quickly meet, knowing the real reason behind our newfound harmony.

"Well, I'm glad to see it. It's like my own little wedding anniversary surprise," Beth says joyfully, but her expression falters soon after.

She focuses on her computer, creating a lull in the conversation. Neither Monica nor I push for an explanation, but it's evident that something is on Beth's mind.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Beth clears her throat.

"Jared, there's another reason I wanted you to come over today, aside from helping me with this," Beth says with a hint of worry.

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. I had wondered why Beth invited me. While I do feel like I could contribute a lot to the planning, it still seemed peculiar that she didn't solely rely on Tyler's input.

"What's that?" I finally ask, sensing that Beth is hesitating to share what she needs to.

"Well, I was out grocery shopping the other day, and I ran into Jessica," Beth starts, and a chill runs down my spine at the mention of her name.