"Not me," he asserts, stepping back and continuing to explore the building.

By the time we reach the top floor, I am convinced that one day, Archer will develop a passion for working with sea animals, given how enthralled he is by everything he sees. He admires the sea turtles with another child around his age, while Monica and I hang back a few feet, enjoying the sight of him.

"I had a wonderful time today," she reflects, turning her gaze to meet mine.

"And I truly appreciated your company," I tell her, a sincere smile spreading across my face.

For the first time during our entire outing, I reach out my hand, allowing our fingers to intertwine.

"I think Archer had a great time too," she says, laughing and briefly glancing over to make sure he's still nearby. I adore witnessing that gesture and recognizing the depth of her love and care for Archer, as if he were her own.

"I really hope he did. He's a remarkable kid," I say wistfully. The only thing that keeps me from tearing my hair out during the custody battle is knowing it's for Archer's well-being. I would go to even greater lengths if it means ensuring his safety.

"He definitely deserves a treat. How about some ice cream?" Monica suggests, her excitement hinting that it might be more for her than for Archer. I chuckle at the thought.

"Ice cream sounds perfect." As we turn our attention back to Archer, we find him observing us. Simultaneously, we release our intertwined fingers and approach him. He doesn't mention it, and instead shares a fact about the green turtle he saw in a tank.

However, for the remainder of the afternoon, I can't shake the thought that he saw us. It lingers in the back of my mind.



"Monica, finally. It's about time we have a dinner with just us," my brother exclaims upon my arrival at his home.

"Tyler, you're no longer a kid. You're forty-three," I playfully point out. "Besides, Mom and Dad will be hurt that they weren't invited."

"Mom and Dad will understand. Plus, Maria thought it would be nice for us to spend some sibling time together," he explains as we enter the kitchen where Maria is putting the finishing touches on a pot roast and enjoying a glass of white wine.

"So, it was Maria's idea to have me over?" I raise an eyebrow at Tyler.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I wasn't exactly thrilled about having you over for dinner," he jokes, reaching for two wine glasses.

A knock on the door catches my attention. I wonder who else could be joining us? Tyler heads to answer the door, and from the sound of his greeting, I immediately recognize who is waiting on the other side.

I hear Tyler inform Archer that the other kids are playing in the basement. Archer needs no further encouragement and dashes off to join them.

Not long after, Tyler and Jared appear in the kitchen, Tyler immediately going to grab another wine glass for Jared.

Although I could tell it was Jared at the door, I wasn't prepared to see him here. I didn't have any time to mentally brace myself for the fact that I would be having dinner with him in the presence of Tyler. A knot begins to form in my stomach at the thought of having to act normal. While I know I can do it, the task doesn't get any easier. Pretending to still dislike Jared is a demanding role that was not on my agenda for the evening.

"I thought this was supposed to be sibling bonding?" I ask Tyler with a wry smile, hoping to hide the nerves building inside me.

"Jared is practically my brother, so it made perfect sense to invite him," Tyler replies as he pours wine into our glasses. Jared shrugs, as if it's no big deal.

"I'm the sibling he never had."

I try my best to glower at him, but even that seems impossible. Instead, I settle on saying, "Well, luckily I have Maria. She's the sibling I never had."

“And I'm happy to fulfill that role," Maria kindly remarks, sipping her wine as she stands by the oven, prepared to remove whatever is still cooking inside while the pot roast cools.

Jared looks absolutely stunning in a pair of dark wash jeans and a cream-colored button-down shirt with the sleeves casually rolled up. It's not the most unique outfit, but the way he wears it makes me turn molten inside. If only I could openly admire him more. I understand why Jared wants to keep our relationship a secret, but moments like these make me long for the freedom to be together openly.

"Dinner is almost ready. Tyler, why don't you come help me set the table?" Maria suggests, grabbing a stack of plates.

"Yes, ma'am," Tyler responds with an effortless smile, gathering cups and silverware.

It never ceases to amaze me how well Tyler behaves around Maria. I'm not sure how he manages to hide his insufferable side from her, but he's somehow pulled it off for years.