I know it's unnecessary, and I could simply thank her, but as she sets the papers on my desk, I exhale, "Finally." I expect her to turn and leave, unwilling to entertain my rudeness, but instead, she firmly plants herself in front of my desk. Her eyes reveal a simmering rage, cautioning me that it would be unwise to continue antagonizing her. However, my mounting frustration gets the better of me.

"I typically appreciate it when my employees get things right the first time they're asked," I tell her in a dull tone as I flip through the pages, verifying their accuracy.

"It was an honest mistake, and either way, you've been a douche all morning," she bites back, showing no signs of backing down any time soon.

"Watch how you talk to your boss," I glower, attempting to assert my authority.

"I'm not talking to my boss right now; I'm talking to you, Jared. What the hell is going on?" Her voice rises, and I can't help but wonder if others can hear our heated exchange.

It's all too overwhelming. I shouldn't have to deal with this right now. Perhaps starting this kind of relationship was a mistake. As much as I desire her, there are numerous reasons why I shouldn't pursue it. She's my best friend's sister, for starters. I'm in the midst of a custody battle. Our work relationship as boss and assistant is being negatively affected. It all adds up to create one big messy problem.

The anger and stress inside me reach a boiling point, and I finally snap, "No. I'm your boss, and you will not talk to me like that!" I yell, confident that our conversation can be heard by anyone passing by.

She stares at me, her shoulders squared and defiance burning in her eyes. However, this time, her voice is calmer. "I forgot to tell you. I have a family emergency and I have to go immediately. I'll see you tomorrow," she says without further explanation, turning to leave.

The door slams behind her, leaving me to contemplate the aftermath of our confrontation.

“Fuck.” I let my face drop down into my hands.

I should fire her, if I’m being honest. But even if we weren’t hooking up, she’s still a family friend, and Istill care about her deeply.

And while I am irritated with the situation, the prospect of losing Monica makes me feel even worse.



Once I left Jared's office, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. The fear of losing my job should be a concern, but right now, it seems preferable to staying in the same building as him.

It's a struggle to maintain my composure as I make my way home, but thankfully, I manage to hold back the floodgates until I reach the safety of my apartment.

I rush into the bedroom and collapse onto my bed, feeling both emotionally and physically exhausted.

I can't comprehend what triggered Jared's anger towards me. Was it my suggestion of coming clean about our relationship? I don't understand why it provoked such a strong reaction.

The sobs shake my body, and I find myself curled up on the bed, feeling utterly shattered. Maybe my reaction is excessive, but I believed there was something different between us. We weren't officially dating, but I thought he cared about me and had genuine feelings.

Now, I feel like an idiot. Not only could I have hurt my brother, but I could have lost my job too.

I lie in bed for about an hour, attempting to calm down. Once my sniffles subside, I realize I need to confide in someone, and there's only one person who comes to mind.

I reach for my phone in my purse and quickly locate Kate's contact. Without hesitation, I dial her number. Soon, I hear her exuberant voice on the other end.


While it doesn't bring a full laugh, a faint smile manages to tug at my still-quivering lips. "Hey, Kate."

"Monica, is everything okay?" she asks, concern evident in her tone.

"No," I start, doing my best to hold back the tears threatening to resurface. "But it's because I really messed up."

I can hear the sound of Kate shuffling around on the other end of the line, as if trying to find a comfortable position. "Oh, Monica. What's wrong?" she asks with genuine concern.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself to share my troubles. "Well, you remember how Jared and I hooked up during the family vacation? And how I ended up working for him?"

"Yes, I remember," Kate responds, her curiosity piqued.

"Okay, so we've been involved romantically, and everything was going smoothly. But the other day, I brought up the idea of coming clean about our relationship, and he flat-out refused. Today at work, things escalated, and we had a heated argument. I eventually stormed out of his office," I explain in one rapid stream of words. "Now, I'm left unsure about where we stand."