“I’m going to be here late. Can you do me a favor?” Jared asks from where he sits at his desk.

I am standing in front of him as I lean against the wooden surface. For the last couple of weeks, Jared and I have been sneaking around. The sex has been fantastic. Gearing up to have sex with someone, knowing you’re going to be satisfied, feels amazing.

Jared has turned out to be a fun person to be around. His jokes are funny, especially when they aren’t at my expense. Before this, I could never imagine him being nice to me. But now, I’m not sure how we managed to antagonize each other for so long.

“Depends,” I tell him, enjoying the feeling of Jared’s hands stroking up and down my pencil skirt covered thighs. I’m not sure where this relationship is at or where it’s going. We can’t sneak around forever, and I can’t tell if Jared is interested in more. Am I? It’s hard to tell, because the thought of Jared and me being together feels impossible. At the same time, this is the happiest that I’ve been in a long time.

“Do you think you can pick Archer up from school and bring him to Tyler’s? He said it’s cool if he comes over to play with his kids,” Jared asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.

“You should have led with that. I love hanging out with Archer,” I tell him sincerely. “Though, I’m not sure that’s in my job description. Will I be compensated?” I ask coyly, leaning in.

“I’m sure we can think of some way to repay your efforts,” he says, his voice deep as his hands slide up my thighs.

I entertain him for a moment longer before pushing myself off his desk. Standing in front of Jared, my breasts are at his eye level, and he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s noticed them.

I let him have a good look before moving away. As much as I would love to receive my compensation now, I know that Archer will be eager to be picked up from school.

“I’ll hold you to it,” I say over my shoulder as I saunter to the door.

I give him one last look as I open his office door, seeing the way his eyes follow me all the way, before stepping out of his office and letting the door shut behind me.

Once it does, I take a deep breath to cool my body’s temperature. I need to focus on Archer rather than on his dad.

Packing up my things, I don’t waste any time as I rush out of the office building. Hanging out with Archer will be way more entertaining than being at work, even if that’s where Jared has been doing unholy things to me.

Traffic isn’t bad, and luckily, I’m at Archer’s school in less than thirty minutes. Jared sends him to a school in Medford, the same one we all went to, preferring it to the schools in the city.

Parking my car, I see kids on the playground as they wait for their parents to pick them up. This afterschool program has always been a life saver for all of us, allowing for leeway when it comes to pickups.

I can tell when Archer spots me, a confused yet excited look on his face. Jared already notified the school that I would be picking Archer up, so it’s quick work getting him signed out. I corral Archer into my car.

“Why are you picking me up?” Archer asks as I make sure he’s safe in the backseat.

"I came to pick you up since your dad is still at work. How about we go over to Lyla and Caden's house to play?" I explain as I start the car. I receive an enthusiastic cheer from the backseat, confirming our plans.

It's been a while since I visited my brother's house, and having Archer with me is the perfect excuse to do so. When we arrive, we go up the front steps and ring the doorbell of Tyler's house, which looks just like the one we grew up in.

Almost immediately, Caden swings open the door, saying excitedly, "I was watching you guys pull up!" Archer rushes past me into the house, with Caden following close behind. "We'll be in the basement, Dad," Caden calls out as they bound down the stairs.

I take a seat on the couch in the living room. Jared won't be off work for a couple of hours, so I have some free time.

"How did you end up babysitting?" Tyler asks me, as he plops into his recliner.

I shrug casually. "I guess it's part of being Jared's assistant."

"Speaking of which, has Jared been doing okay?" Tyler lowers his voice, as if he doesn't want anyone to hear him asking me this, even though we're alone in the room.

"He seems fine to me," I say, hoping my confused voice tells Tyler that I'm curious as to why he's asking.

"He's been going through some stuff with Jessica," Tyler says. By the look on his face, it seems like he’s hesitant to say more. Anyway, I feel guilty listening to something about Jared that he hasn't shared with me, even though I am curious. This new phase in our relationship has made me contemplate these kinds of issues a lot.

“That's good to hear. I figured you'd know, considering you're always around him," Tyler adds quickly, not giving me a chance to inquire further about what he meant. "I think he just needs to meet someone new. Jessica wasn't always the warmest."

Tyler's comment makes me internally blanch. I think Jared and I are all covered on that front with whatever it is we've been up to. I know I need to have a conversation with him about that if I don't want to get hurt.