Everyone else at the table falls into silence, their eyes fixed on the unfolding situation.

"Why?" Tyler asks again, his tone significantly harsher this time. My heart pounds in my chest, threatening to burst. This can't be happening, especially not here.

"Tyler, I..." I begin, but the words fail to materialize. I can't find a way to tell him the truth. However, I can see the realization dawning in his eyes. Not just about the aquarium incident, but also regarding the newfound closeness between Monica and me.

He stands up and pulls me aside, making sure the kids cannot hear us.

"Have you been sleeping with my baby sister?" Tyler finally says, his voice dripping with deadly seriousness. I could deny it, but deep down, I know he wouldn't believe me, even if I did. My gaze shifts to Monica, who is standing next to us with her hands crossed, appearing frozen, like a deer caught in headlights. I understand the sensation all too well—any wrong move could unleash chaos. Ashamed of my deceit toward my best friend, I bow my head and offer a simple nod.

"Unbelievable," Tyler says, struggling to maintain his composure.

"Tyler, please," I attempt, but my words are instantly cut off by him.

“You knew her when she was a child!” he exclaims, lowering his voice for the next part when he notices that a few wandering eyes have turned to us. “And you’ve been lying about this.”

"I didn't develop these feelings for your sister until recently. She's an adult now," I try to explain, aware that Tyler's anger likely renders my explanation meaningless.

"This is rich," a voice chuckles from behind me, and I don’t dare to turn around, already knowing who it is. Jessica is standing in earshot of our conversation, enjoying the scene. I turn back to Tyler, doing my best to ignore her.

"And she's my sister. You've literally witnessed her diapers being changed," Tyler points out, his face contorted with disgust.

"I'm not a baby anymore," Monica snaps, clearly irritated by her brother's reaction.

"Guys, let's try to calm down for now," Beth attempts to mediate as she approaches us, her gaze scanning the onlookers who have taken notice of our confrontation.

"Don't worry. I won't be staying here," Tyler declares as he turns around and walks away.

"Tyler," I call out, noticing the pained expression on his mother's face. However, he doesn't look back. He walks into the house, vanishing from the party. Beth appears on the verge of tears, deeply affected by the situation that unfolded between us. She tries to put on a brave face to carry on with the party, but it's evident that it's challenging for her.

"It's time for me to check on the guests. Monica, will you come with me?" Beth says, mustering her composure.

"Mom, I'm not—" Monica starts, but her mother cuts her off swiftly.

"Monica, now please," Beth states firmly, her tone indicating that compliance is not optional.

I yearn to escape from this place, but doing so would only further dampen Beth and Philip's day. So, I spend the rest of the party moving between the table and the open bar, sulking as I face the repercussions of my actions. It's only after Beth and Philip's speech that I decide to leave. Maria, in her kindness, offers to watch Archer, who adamantly insists on playing for a while longer. I don't object as I retreat to my room.

The only thought consuming my mind is how I've irreparably damaged a forty-year friendship.



The rest of the party was excruciating. All I could do was stare longingly at Jared as he downed drink after drink before he finally decided to leave.

Although my mom didn't express her upset, I could sense it from the energy radiating off her. It wasn't just about how things unfolded at the party. I believe she was more hurt by my secret-keeping than anything else.

She insisted on keeping me by her side for the rest of the afternoon, having me engage in conversations with guests and be the model daughter. I think she believed that if I didn't fulfill that role, I might leave like my brother did.

The next day, when everyone else woke up, Tyler and Maria had already departed with the kids. Jared and Archer didn't linger either. They congratulated my parents and quietly made their exit.

Jared didn't make an effort to reach out and discuss everything that had transpired. While I understand the source of his feelings, it doesn't make it any easier to handle.

As I pack my own bag, preparing to leave with our parents, I can't help but yearn for this ordeal to be over.

I need to have a conversation with Jared and decide where we go from here.

A knock on my door startles me from my thoughts, and I turn to find my mother standing in the doorway. Her presence fills me with embarrassment over what unfolded at the party she had meticulously planned for over a year. The lack of visible distress on her face allows me to exhale the breath I had been holding.