"Sure, but make sure to get something to eat soon." I watch as he runs off to play with Caden.

"Isn't it amazing that our kids are best friends?" Tyler's voice startles me as he appears behind me. He's holding a drink tightly in his hand, despite it being just one o'clock. But Beth and Philip wanted an open bar.

"Are we really surprised?" I reply with a chuckle, observing our sons engaged in their imaginative games. In that moment, I catch sight of Jessica engaging in polite conversation with one of Tyler's cousins.

"You should have just told my mom how much you didn't want her here," Tyler remarks, noticing Jessica at the same time I do.

"No, it's fine. I don't want to make a big deal out of it," I respond as nonchalantly as possible, though I know Tyler isn't fully convinced.

"If you say so. Maybe you'll meet someone nice here," Tyler suggests, gesturing to the people mingling and laughing amidst the soft jazz music playing from the speakers.

“Maybe,” I tell him passively because I’ve already got that covered.

Seeing Monica puts the smile back on my face that Jessica’s appearance took away. She looks beautiful in a light green dress that matches the decorations. It’s satin and form fitting, showing off her toned body, which I appreciate.

As she spots Tyler and me, she moves around people to come talk to us.

"You guys are the last people I'd imagine would want to let this buffet go to waste," she says, gesturing behind us at the three tables worth of catering.

"Don't worry, I just had to collect Jared," Tyler says smugly, taking a sip from his drink.

"Well, let me grab a drink too," Monica says, leaving me with a fleeting glance before walking away towards the bar.

"We should get food," Tyler tells me, beginning to walk over to the kids to encourage them to eat as well. By the time we're settled at a table outside the tent with the kids, Monica has come back with her drink and her parents have decided to take a break from making their rounds to join us at the table, their own drinks clutched in hand.

I’d love to sneak off with Monica just about now. But I know that this isn't the place or time. Not with all these people milling around.

"Is everyone enjoying themselves?" Philip asks, keeping his hand rested on the small of his wife's back.

"I am," Archer calls out, barbecue sauce all over his mouth. I reach to grab a napkin in hopes of cleaning him up but decide it would be best to let him finish eating first. The party is in full swing, and it's obvious that most people are enjoying the food and drinks, uninhibited dancing and boisterous laughter affirming the success of the party.

"I'm having a good time. I'm here to make sure Jared here has a good time too," Tyler points out, reaching over the table to give me a slap on the shoulder.

"I'm having a blast," I say sincerely, hoping Beth hears it. I know how bad she feels about slipping up and inviting Jessica, but I want her to know that it doesn't ruin this occasion for me. In fact, I do well at pretending like Jessica isn't here.

"But I think you'd feel better if you talk to my cousin, Angela," Tyler says excitedly, earning a snort from his parents. Glancing at Monica, I notice the way her eyes narrow at Tyler's words. I love knowing how much the thought of me and another woman riles her up. She must know she's the only one I have my eyes on.

"Angela? I've met Angela. Remember when she spilled that drink on me while she was absolutely plastered at the Fourth of July party a couple of years ago?" I ask, earning another round of laughter from everyone.

"Okay, besides that. I think you two would get along great. Right, Monica?" Tyler asks, earning a non-committal grunt from his sister that he quickly disregards.

"Maybe it would be nice to ask her on a date, Jared," Beth suggests, and I can see in her eyes that she also believes it would help me move on from Jessica. Little does she know, I've already done that.

"What about Monica?" Archer casually asks, the question sounding nonchalant from him despite the weight of what he just asked.

My eyes widen as I try to figure out what to say, but it's as if my mind stops working, unsure of how to navigate away from this conversation. One glance at Monica tells me that the question has caught her off guard as well.

"What about Monica?" Tyler asks with a chuckle, though there's clear confusion in his voice.

"I don't think—" Monica begins, but is swiftly interrupted by Archer's response.

"Daddy can't go on a date. Monica and Daddy were holding hands when we were at the aquarium," Archer nonchalantly announces. I turn to Tyler, awaiting his reaction. I know I should probably come up with something to say, but what option do I have other than to accuse my son of lying? I observe a range of emotions flicker across Tyler's face—confusion, disgust, annoyance, amusement, a whirlwind of feelings.

"Why?" he finally utters, his voice cold.

"He misunderstood what he saw," Monica suggests, though her voice lacks conviction.

"Don't lie," Tyler's voice bursts out, seething anger lacing his words.