Maybe Monica needs to come on another trip with me.



Since the day Jared helped to care for my burn, he’s been less stern when around me. For the last few days, he’s opted for leaving me instructions on my desk, only coming out to talk to me if it’s for something crucial I needed to understand.

I thought I’d enjoy not having Jared hovering, but a small part of me wishes that he’d check on me more, if for nothing else than for my pure entertainment.

But this is for the best. If thoughts of Jared inspire me to get myself off after work, then maybe more distance between us is what I need.

Today, Jared has left me with instructions to organize an upcoming business trip for him. He needs me to book hotel rooms, cars, and restaurants to take out clients. He’s going to New York City for a day and will be staying in a hotel so expensive, my eyes started watering just from seeing the booking price. Despite the trip lasting only a day, his absence will provide me with a much-needed reprieve. My days of touching myself while thinking of Jared are over.

Sitting at my desk, I’m startled at the sound of Jared’s office door opening. I crane my neck and see him turn his attention directly to me.

“Let’s go,” he instructs, not giving any more explanation as he impatiently stands at the side of my desk.

Confused, I pause for a moment before I begin to gather up my things quickly. “Where are we going?”

“To lunch,” Jared tells me as I stand up and hike my bag onto my shoulder.

Lunch? Why would Jared want to get lunch with me? Maybe this is part of this gig, joining him for lunch so we can work on something while we eat.

Great. I wanted to have distance between us, not be forced to stare at him while eating.

The trip to the restaurant happens in complete silence, neither Jared nor I making a move to initiate conversation. Though I’m curious to where it is we’re heading, I feel that if he hasn’t said anything, I shouldn’t either.

I can’t tell if the silence is awkward or not, if there are things not being said that should be right now. But I imagine neither of us would want to talk about what has been going on between us.

Now, I know that maybe it’s all in my head, and Jared caring for my burn was just a nice gesture. But there’s still a chance he felt that charge that was in the room as he so caringly bandaged my wrist. The way his fingers felt as they grazed against my skin and the sound of his steady breath as he focused on the act did not go unnoticed by me in the slightest.

We stop outside of a restaurant I’ve only been to once before, but I remember it has amazing lobster rolls. Jared opens the door, holding it as he gestures for me to go inside.

My cheeks redden a little. How is it that him doing something as simple as holding the door for me is making me blush?

We’re quickly directed to a booth where we each take a seat on opposite sides of the table.

Nothing is said as we look over the menu. It makes me uneasy as I wonder what it is this lunch is about. It must be something important considering he hasn’t asked me out to lunch before, and I can’t imagine this being a regular occurrence.

When we finally put in our orders, each of us getting a lobster roll with a side of lobster bisque, Jared settles his full attention on me.

“So, I imagine you noticed all of the stuff I’ve had you book for an upcoming trip,” Jared starts. I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

“Yes. New York City sounds fun,” I offer, feeling awkward about how I’m talking to Jared.

Did I sound stupid or weird when I said that? I shouldn’t care what Jared thinks, but it doesn’t stop that from being the case.

“Yes. I have to meet with some clients. You know, tell them about new ways our company can support them, schmooze them some, anything to make sure they stay a client,” he explains, shrugging, as if this is the usual.

And it must be Jared’s usual. I don’t think, until I started working for him, I ever really imagined Jared as a businessman. He was always just Jared, my brother’s best friend and the bane of my existence.

But seeing him at work, so serious and capable, is a whole other side to Jared that I never thought I’d see.

“But anyway,” he continues, absentmindedly swirling the straw in his cup of water, “I wanted to talk about you coming along.”

I startle at the suggestion. Me? Going? He has to remember what happened the last time we went on a trip together. It can’t end well for the two of us if that happens, and I don’t feel like having to look for another job again.

“Why do you need me to come?” I ask, trying my best to keep my cool.