He made a show of glancing over his shoulders one at a time, and the expression on his face was so sarcastic that I had to fight a snort. “Don’t see anyone else.”

“Why didn’t you come out sooner? You’ve been following me for two weeks!” I tossed a hand up toward the treetops.

“Have I?” He lifted an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at him, and strode past the bastard, heading back to my shell-fruit.

“Where are you trying to go?” he asked me, following me to my seat. When I sat down, he walked away until he’d stopped and leaned back against a tree at least twenty feet away from mine.

Clearly, he wasn’t interested in me. Not that I expected him to be.

“Vevol sent me to the old klynna cave. She needs me to do something there.” I grabbed my big-ass fruit and the makeshift spoon I’d created with part of its shell.

“To dowhatthere?”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re clearly not interested in joining my shitty adventure.”

“I’m not giving you directions unless you give me the truth,” he said bluntly.

“I’m not giving you the truth unless you’re joining my team of one.” I gestured to myself.

Maybe I was even lonelier than I’d realized.

Teris narrowed his eyes at me.

I stared right back.

Neither of us folded.

I finished my shell-fruit and dropped the shell on the dirt before I stood up and brushed off my ass. I’d taken to wearing the simple tank top and shorts the seelies gave their ladies, just because they were comfortable. Most of us ex-human women had, honestly. Some of the female fae, too.

Teris’s eyes followed me as I plopped down in a bush of massive, soft-ish leaves and got comfortable.

He didn’t say a word about my invitation-of-sorts, but I didn’t ask again.

And neither of us dared to bring up the past.

Because twenty years ago, we had been really damn in love—until I’d found my fated mate, and never seen Teris again. Aev didn’t even know that he and I had a thing. No one did.

So yeah, I didn’t think Teris was going to agree to join me.

But I also didn’t think I was going to find the damn klynna cave on my own.

…Which left us at a stalemate.

But hey, at least I wasn’tcompletelyalone anymore.

Teris was gonewhen I woke up. Since he’d been following me for two weeks already, I figured he was going to continue following me. If he didn’t…

Well, I would figure it out.

I’d asked him to stay with me, and he’d refused, so it didn’t really matter what I wanted. He was going to do whatever the hell he decided to do, and there was nothing I could do to change that.

After another long day of flying around cluelessly, I landed near some trees. They were loaded with the small birth-control fruits that Blue had told me were calledlilano. The only male fae I’d ever spoken to enough to learn anything about Vevol was Teris, and that was so long ago. He’d been busy enough fighting off the other men with the rest of the Wild Hunt that asking for names and uses of plants had been the last thing on my mind.

Then again, I’d also been busy checking him out.

And telling him about all the sad shit I’d lived through on Earth.