Tears welled behind my eyelids, but I nodded, forcing the emotions away.“Thank you,”I said quietly.“You changed all of our lives.”

“It was an honor. If there was another way…”she trailed off, her voice growing faint.

“I know.”And I did.

If there had been any way around this, the goddess would’ve found it. I knew her well enough through everything she had done for the fae, to know that.

“You’ll warn them?”she whispered to me.

“Yes, and I’ll protect them.”

“What about your mate?”

I squeezed my eyes tighter.“I’ll put as much effort as I can afford into the bond this time, like I promised.”

“Thank you.”The words were so soft, so grateful, that my eyes stung.

I bit my lip.“You don’t owe me any thanks. I hope that whatever the next life holds for you, it’s a good one.”

“And I hope the same for you. Don’t turn your back to love again, child. Embrace it.”

Her consciousness blew away, then, like grains of sand in the wind. And the moment the last grain was gone, her power hit me.


A connection to the glowing tree my hands were on burst to life in my chest, in my abdomen, in my mind.

It anchored itself within me—and then I felt it roll through the rest of Vevol.

I felt it hit each of the fae, and swell within them, changing them.

Making them stronger.

It lingered on Fovea, and I felt her brands burn as Vevol used that stored magic to reach back to Earth and pull another group of women through.

I felt it blossom in the land, making the trees grow larger and thicker and tougher.

I felt it wrap around the animals, making them bigger too.

I felt it collide with the barriers around the edge of the world we’d thought was only ours—and destroy that barrier, opening us up to the rest of the world.

There were no other beings in our world like the ones she’d created, Vevol had warned me. Outside of the fae and klynnas, there were only wild beasts and savage animals.

The final strands of the goddess’s magic slammed into me.

My back arched, my fingers digging into the tree’s bark as I screamed in pain. She’d warned me her magic would hurt—that her final act of creation would wreck me thoroughly until I was tied to a man strong enough to share the overwhelming magic.

The power grew so intense that I crashed to my knees. My back was still arched, my hands still on the trees.

“What the hell is going on, Nai?” Teris was snarling at me, but I barely registered the words. His hands were on my body—I felt them, and then heard him swear as he withdrew quickly.

Was I burning up?

I felt like I was burning up.

Time passed.

I wasn’t sure how much.