Page 46 of Sweet Vengeance

She pressed herself harder against Malachi, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. She moaned as he kissed her, deeply and passionately, exploring her mouth with a slow, deliberate intent, like hewas contentto do so forever. His dexterous tongue seemed to touch every inch of the cavern of her mouth, before thrusting deep into her throat, making her groan, her pussy gushing.

He only pulled away when she needed to breathe, her panting breaths puffing into his face.

His eyesburnedlike abrilliant redflame in the darkness. “How do you want me?” he whispered huskily.

Joy’s cunt clenched. She’d never been the dominant one in the bedroom, happy enough to do whatever her partner wanted. But with Malachi …

Maybe the incident had rewired her brain. Maybe she’d always been like this, but had never met someone to bring it out of her.

Or maybe it was just Malachi.

She rested her hands on his chest, shifting her legs. He took the hint, helping her slide down his hard body. She forced herself to take a step back, swallowing thickly.

“On the bed,” she said.

He moved to the bed, adjusting until he was lying on his back on it, his head propped up slightly by the pillows. It was so fucking hot, how easily he did what he was told.

Joy took her bra off, letting it fall to the floor, then slid her panties down her hips.

“Fuck,” he snarled, staring between her legs. She was so wet a thin string of her arousal connected in a line from her cunt to the seat of her panties, the sight of it erotic and unbearably lewd.

The panties slid down enough that the string disconnected. She stepped out of the cotton lace and watched as she literally dripped onto the hardwood floors, her pussy clenching hard at the sight.

“Fuck,” Malachi said again, his hips churning, dick straining between his legs.

Joy couldn’t help but slideher pointer and middle finger between her thighs, moaning as she stroked her swollen clit, her hands gliding easily through all that fucking wetness. She dipped her fingers into her hungry cunt,then slippedthem back out to rub her clit again. Malachi watched her with hungry red eyes.

Slowly, Joy lifted her glistening fingers, showing him, before sliding them into her mouth.

“Fuck,” Malachi snarled for the third time, his hips jerking abortively into the air.

Joy sucked her fingers clean. Then, panting, she crawled on top of him, stopping when she was straddling his thighs. His dick flexed as she watched, a pearl of pre-come beading at the head. She’d planned to take him into her mouth, but she couldn’t help but inch forward until she was straddling his hips, her cunt poised over his dick, which lay flat against his belly.

She lowered her hips torturously slowly, biting her lower lip hard when her puffy pussy lips connected with his heated flesh, eagerly parting along the girth of his stiff length. By the time she was settled completely on top of him, they were both shaking withwant. She rolled her hips, whimpering as those ridges around the base of his cockhead glanced over her throbbing, swollen, oversensitive clit.

“Oh God,” she gasped.

Malachi groaned, hips twitching. He was fisting the sheets, not touching her, like he was waiting for permission.

“Good boy,” Joy whispered.

Malachi’s hips twitched again, his red eyes glowing.

Joy wanted to worship him. She wanted to fuckingmarkhim like he’d subconsciously marked her, so he remembered her for the rest of his immortal life.

She began by kissing him—his lips, his forehead, his cheeks, his jaw. She trailed soft, open-mouthed kisses down his throat, along his collar bones.

By the time she made it to one of his nipples, he was shaking. She swirled her tongue around the peak, then sucked it into her mouth. Malachi gasped sharply, arching underneath her. Her fingers found his other nipple, squeezing and plucking with her thumb andpointer finger.

“Fuck, fuck—Joy.”

Sheshiftedto the other nipple to shower it withthe same love with her mouth, enjoying the way he trembled and gasped her name in-between snarls and curses.

Then she trailed lower, across his firm stomach, down between his legs to his weeping dick.

He was panting like he’d just run a marathon. She looked up, meeting his eyes, his plum cheeks flushed so darktheylooked almost black.

She curled a hand around his girth, stroking experimentally. She heard a rip, pleasure burning hot in her lower belly when she realised he was tearing at the sheets, all because she hadn’tgivenhim permission to touch her—to move.