Page 40 of Sweet Vengeance

Joy’s hands slid from his wings to the middle of his back, below his shoulder blades. She smelled like pleasure, contentment, and sweet exhaustion. When his softening dick slid out of her, her entire body vibrated in a sweet, little shiver, and she let out a soft sigh as his release spilled out of her afterward, staining her thighs and the sheets. She seemed to like the feeling—which was fucking hot—so Malachi did nothing to get rid of the mess just yet.

She was so soft and so warm all over; Malachi wished he never had to move again. Like she agreed with the sentiment, she said nothing about his weight possibly crushing her, simply breathing deep and slow, her hands tracing patterns across his back.

They lay there like that for Malachi didn’t know how long, their breaths slowing, the sweat on their bodies rapidly cooling, while Malachi’s heartpoundeda discordant rhythm. He clenched his eyes shut, like it’dsuppressthe emotions rapidly building inside him. He could fall asleep like this, and he never fucking slept.

Then Joy spoke, her voice nothing more than a breath, “I could eat an entire cow right now.”

Despite himself, Malachi burst out laughing.


Joy grinned, her heart somersaulting and her belly fluttering madly at the sound of Malachi’s unrestrained laughter.

He shifted, lifting his body off her so he was balanced on his elbows, staring down at her. Joy instantly missed the grounding warmth of his weight on hers. She should’ve felt vulnerable like this, naked underneath him, her thighs still spread around his hips, her feet still in her heels. Instead, she felt unusually sexy. Powerful. She slowly trailed her fingers up his back, feeling out the taut shapes of his muscles, enjoying his little shiver at her exploration.

“What’ll you like, then?” His voice was gruff; his red eyes twinkled.

That fluttery feeling in her stomach intensified. She raised an eyebrow. “You can cook?”

He shrugged, his dark wings shrugging with him. Something about the way they blanketed the bed had Joy tingling between her thighs, her tender pussy eager for round two.

“In a sense.”

Joy’s eyes narrowed. She was curious, and really fucking hungry, though, so she took some time to really think about it.

“Anything,” Malachi murmured, his eyes on hers. Something about his tone—the seriousness of it—had that fluttery feeling in her stomach intensifying once more. “Anything you want.”

“A double cheeseburger,” Joy decided, snapping her fingers, her mouth watering. When last had she had a burger? “Curly fries. Chocolate milkshake. And a chicken shawarma for dessert.” She waggled her eyebrows.

Malachi laughed. He moved, making to sit up, resting on his knees. Joy sat up as well, blinking when Malachi waved a hand and the sticky mess staining their thighs and the sheets abruptly disappeared. Her feet had somehow been relieved of her heels, which she could see were now in the corner with her other shoes.

Joy pulled the now clean sheets—they smelled familiar, like something sweet but smoky—was that his magic?—into her lap just for something to do with her hands.

“A double cheeseburger, curly fries, chocolate milkshake, and a chicken shawarma; coming right up,” Malachi murmured.

She expected Malachi to leave the bed. Instead, his eyes glowed blindingly bright, forcing her to look away. When she looked back, there was a steaming tray in her lap with all the items she’d requested. The tray was the plain grey of a cafeteria tray. The food items could’ve been from any fast-food restaurant given their distinct yellow, red, and white packaging.

“Um, what the fuck.”

Malachi looked smug. The scent from the burger and the shawarma made Joy’s stomach rumble loudly. Malachi’s lip curled in the corners, revealing a hint of fang. Christ, he was so handsome.

Joy tore into the packaging for the burger. She brought it to her drooling mouth, then paused. “Wait, can I actually eat this? You didn’t, like, make this from the waters in the depths of hell or something?”

Malachi chuckled, but he looked a bit disgusted. “No, don’t be ridiculous. I happened to have all the ingredients in my pantry; I simply manipulated the aether to … “cook” the meal, shall we say.”

Joy blinked. Fuck. She’d nearly forgotten he had a house here. Well, in the mortal realm, not specificallyhere, in Arehjia. A new spark of curiosity lit up in her stomach. She wondered what his house was like.

She’d already decided she wanted to see it before the thought could even finish forming.

Filled with a new determination, Joy began to eat like an animal, uncaring of her audience. Malachi’s eyes flared, and her TV came on. Fuck, should she be finding it hot that he could do magic like that?

The TV acted as some background noise as she practically demolished the food in record time, then slipped out of the bed as she began to sip from her milkshake. Excitement made her pulse thud. Did he live in an actual house? Aflat? A ramshackle hut? Or in a castle?Despite how unlikely it probably was, she really hoped it was the latter.

She paused when she reached for her wardrobe, suddenly spinning around to face him as reality came crashing down on her.

Wait. What was she doing? Wasn’t their contract over? Why was he still here? Was he waiting for her to kick him out? Did shewantto kick him out? Joy’s heart leapt into her throat when she realised she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. Not now. Not yet.

But could he really stay here forever, if she never said a word about it? She didn’t know if she liked that thought very much, either.