Page 35 of Sweet Vengeance



The man’s eyes darted to the darkest corner of his room, where Malachi and Joy stood, silent like shadows. Of course, Malachi was only visible to her—this wasn’t about him. But Joy could tellhecould see her in the darkness; a hint of her bloody red dress.

He practically leapt up from his bed, reaching frantically for the light switch. He jolted, flying backward when Joy didn’t disappear. Malachi remained invisible.

Joy took a step forward. Her blade glinted. Her heart raced, but not with fear.

With power.

“Hello, rapist.”

He jolted again. “W-What’s this? What’s—?” He was beginning to sweat.

“W-What—w-what …” Joy mocked. “Cat got your tongue?”

“How the fuck did you get inside my house?”He quickly slid out of his bed, like if he stood, he’d gain some of the advantage. “What the fuck do you—?” hecontinuedangrily.

“Aht-aht.” Like Malachi was an extension of her already, he made a motion through the air and the man was abruptly silenced. “I don’t want to hear a word you have to say. I don’t even want to hear you beg, though that would be nice.”

He stumbled backward. Joy advanced on him, a predator stalking her prey.

He kept trying to speak, but the words refused to leave his mouth. When Joy’sbladeglinted again, she heard the sound of something splashing, before the acrid smell of urine reached her nose.

Joy wrinkled her nose with disgust, even as her lips curled with manic pleasure.

“Seriously? Is this really all it takes?”

He tried to speak again. Once more, like Malachi could read her mind, the man’s body was abruptly moving without his control, forcing him onto the bed until he was lying flat on his back.

Joy climbed onto the bed, spreading her feet apart so she was balanced on her heels.

She stared down at him, remembering how she’d cried and begged. How she’d pleaded, and then, when she realised it was futile, she’d abruptly stopped fighting.

Oh, how he’dhatedthat. He’d wanted her to claw and scream. He’d slapped her. Gripped her jaw, hitting her again when she closed her eyes. He’d forced her to watch, her jaw clenched, tears slipping down her temples.

Those tears filled her eyes now. She remembered how she’d had to lay there in the darkness afterward, unable to move because of the drugs still running rampant through her system.Her unlocked door—her empty flat—her heart had never pounded so hard; she’d never felt so exposed. So violated. Soafraid, some part of her waiting for him to come back—maybe someone would come in after him; maybe he’d bring his friends.

Her panic had forced her into an exhausted sleep, only for her to be haunted by hallucinations of him—of the incident occurring over and over again.

By the time she’d regainedsomestrength, forcing herself tocrawl and lock her door,all her emotions had shut down. Calling the police would have been useless. She’dthought of calling Iyore, but even though it hadn’t been her fault, she’d still felt ashamed.

She should’ve been paying more attention. She should have said no when her co-workers asked if she wanted to go to the bar for a small breather, as she always did.

She should’ve refused his help when he’d looked soconcernedwhen she suddenly couldn’t seem to stand straight as the night wore on. She’d thought hewasher friend. She’d thought she could trust him to get her home safely when she was so vulnerable.

She should’ve—she should’ve—she should’ve.

Joy dropped to her knees, her thighs spread wide over his. He was shaking, his chest heaving with silent sobs.

“Disgusting.” She sneered. “Fucking pitiful.”

He was dressed only in hisbriefs.

Joy pressed the tip of herdaggeragainst his upper belly. Slowly, with barely half the amount of pressure she’d expected, thebladesank into his stomach.

He seized up, his mouth parted in a silent scream.