Page 22 of Sweet Vengeance

She’d merely sent an email to her regular clients and left a message up on her website that she had a family emergency and wouldn’t be taking any new clients or commissions for some time.

She hadn’t checked her email since then.She wondered if he’d sent her an email aftershe’d blocked his number—before she’d decided to change her number altogether; disappeared abruptly from work; and then again from the internet. The thought had her clenching her hand around her dagger.

Malachi, through this mystical bond they shared, sensed Joy’s intention.

“May I?” he asked, his hand hovering over her hip.

Joy’s heart leapt into her throat. She glanced at his wings, her eyes wide. Of course they couldn’t just disappear through the aether; she didn’t know where her victim lived, and flying would be the easiest way to follow him to find that out.

Malachi’s wings twitched when she stared at them for too long. When she glanced at his face, he was smirking slightly. “My wings certainly aren’t there for decoration.”

Joy’s cheeks went hot. “Shut up. And yes, you may.”

His hand slid around her waist, pulling her close and pressing her firmly to his chest. His wings beat hard, lifting them off the ground. Joy bit back a squeak, throwing her arms around his torso for balance, hiding her face in his throat, too afraid to look down.

“I’ve got you.” Malachi’s voice rumbled in his chest, the sound melting in her stomach, heating her up between her legs.

The wind rushed over her, the beat of Malachi’s wings almost unbearably loud. Joy wanted to look around, enjoy the flight cause she’d probably never get to experience it again, but she was too afraid. She used the opportunity to shamelessly enjoy Malachi’s embrace instead; he was literally holding her up withonesingle arm, holy shit. Every inch of him was hard and firm—practicallymadefor snuggling. Or humping.

Down, Joy.

When they finally began to descend, Joy felt a pang of disappointment mixed with relief. She braved looking out from Malachi’s chest, only to find that they were in one of the more affluent estates in Arehjia. Joy’s lip curled. Of course he lived in a place like this. Probably on his parents’ money, while he worked small jobs in supermarkets specifically to prey on vulnerable people like Joy.

They landed on the ground just as her victim exited his car.

His shoulders seemed to relax when he entered his house, locking the door behind him, Joy and Malachi slipping easily inside with Malachi’s reality-bending magic.

Joy almost laughed. Oh, he felt safe here, did he? Well, that was about to fucking change.

She stalked past him, still rendered invisible by Malachi’s power. When Joy found his sitting room, she stood in the middle and waited. Malachi trailed silently behind her victim, his robes and his wings making him look like a wraith—like the grim reaper himself.

Her victim came in, oblivious, pulling his phone out of his pocket at the same time that he reached for the light switch.

He literally screamed as the lights came on, and Joy appeared in all her vengeful glory, her eyes bright, her dagger held aloft. She was there for only a blink—so fast he’d probably think he was hallucinating.

He stood, blinking repeatedly, staring at where she’d stood—where she wasstillstanding, invisible to his eyes. His hands were shaking.

“Delicious,” Joy said viciously. She didn’t need to see any more. Malachiwalked to herand took her elbow. Theywentthrough the aether, and appeared back in her living room.

Almost the moment they did, Malachi stumbled.

Joy instinctively grabbed his arm and his hip, keeping him from losing his footing.

“What the fuck,” she gasped. “What was that? Are you okay?” Had doing the invisible thing taken more strength out of him, after all?

Malachi’s face seemed twisted with something not quite painful. He regained his balance, straightening slowly. Joy reluctantly let go.

His eyes landed on hers, heavy with something she couldn’t interpret. It made her heart pound with fear.

“I’m afraid I must leave for a bit, if that is okay with you.”

Joy stared. What? Her first instinct was a rise of alarm. She wanted to immediately say fuck no, he couldn’t justleave.What if she needed him?

On the heels of that waspanic. She didn’t need him. She didn’tneedanyone.

She turned away from him, shrugging jerkily as she stalked to the sink. “Do whatever you want. You don’t need my permission.”

Malachi didn’t respond. Joy didn’t dare look back. She washed her dagger, one of her many rituals after her hunting. When she turned around, Malachi was already gone.