A working nose would be useful right about now.
Nathan will know what to do about Ross and about my heat.
The fire licking my insides is making me so weak I can barely keep my feet underneath me. I can’t think straight. The only thing I can think of is Nathan, and his enormous body over mine as he finally takes me as his. It’s almost enough to make me come, standing here in the hallway with my clammy forehead pressed against the wall and my fingernails scratching the paint. I whimper, the throbbing between my legs getting stronger with every step and rational thought becoming harder and harder.
I’m tempted to hide here and wait for Nathan to come looking for me, but I can’t risk him not being there and another unmated wolf stumbling across me. Stopping to concentrate, I beg my raging hormones to give me one minute, just one, of clarity and strength to get back to my mate. Stumbling down the hall, I shove into the stairwell. I can’t risk taking the lift again. Gripping the banister, I edge down the stairs and finally burst into the hallway outside the ground floor suites. Reaching out with all my senses, I close my eyes and try to calm myself, to listen, before approaching. Nearly safe, I hold my hand up to knock on the door, but fury burns through me like lava as I hear a voice inside. Not Nathan, but a woman. In our suite, alone with my mate.
A desire to kill first and ask questions later surges through me and I get a brief flash of how Nathan must have felt when he saw me in Ross’s arms. My wolf has no interest in what this could be about, work or otherwise. She wants to rip this woman to shreds. I need to compose myself long enough for Nathan to get her out of there when he realises what’s going on.
Taking steadying breaths, I stay where I am and try to drag back some control. I can hear snippets of what is being said and just the sound of Nathan's voice helps to calm the storm raging within me. But then it clicks into place, and I realise who’s in there and what she’s saying.
To my mate.
I decide my wolf is right. She needs to be taught a lesson, and I'm going to be the one to do it.
Hearing the door to the suite open and close again quietly. That must be Maya, sneaking back to finish what we started. Either that, or she’s back to have it out with me for sending Ross to join her on her run. I knew she wouldn’t be happy, but I promised her brother I’d keep her safe, and I intend to do just that.
Stepping out from under the warm spray and into the steam-filled bathroom, I towel off quickly, slightly disappointed that she hasn’t come in to join me. A sexy shower might be just the thing to bring us to the next level. As the seconds tick by and she doesn’t say a word, it seems more likely she isn’t here to seal the deal. It was obviously just wishful thinking on my part.
Maybe Maya has better willpower than I do, because I am struggling to keep my desire under control. I can talk a good game but honestly, I'm not feeling very confident that I won't be the one doing the begging. My mate has me wrapped around her little finger. If she told me to get on my knees, I’d do it with a smile on my face.
Yanking a pair of tight, navy boxers over my frustrated cock, I groan and grit my teeth. It is getting harder and harder to deal with this constant hard-on. There’s no way I’ll be able to get through days of meetings like this. Every wolf I meet will wonder what I find so arousing about concrete prices and window dimensions.
After speaking to Rex this morning, it’s clear they’re no closer to finding out who betrayed the pack. Beth had help but there isn’t anyone else who’s had any grievances big enough to explain doing something as drastic as letting the man go who tried to kill Hayley and kidnapped Leila. It’s starting to look like I’ll be moving in with Dean Reynolds when we get back.
As the steam clears and the smell of expensive shower gel fades, a hint of another familiar scent tickles my nose and I curse, huffing it back out, disgusted that it’s not the one I wanted.
Can nobody do what they’re supposed to do? Am I not allowed to have a few days to myself?
“What the hell are you doing here?” I call out, agitated at the unwanted disruption of the only few days I’ve taken off in years. Being horny and unsatisfied has left my patience at an all-time low for anyone other than my mate. I don’t think I’ll feel like myself again until I sink my teeth into her neck and my cock into her pussy. Until I know she’s mine forever.
That’s probably why it takes longer than it should for me to realise exactly what’s going on when I step into the living area and see Kim standing there, blinking hard and red-faced. She peers around the suite and takes in the enormous space, along with the telltale signs of another woman’s presence.
Instinctively, I know something’s wrong. My first thought is of Maya. Maybe she’s hurt. Except Ross is with her, and I know he’ll take care of her. That still doesn’t explain what Kim is doing here. All the plausible reasons for her unannounced appearance spin through my mind. Has something happened to Hayley or the baby? Did she travel here to tell me in person?
She doesn’t look like she’s here to deliver an urgent message, though, as she trails her fingers over the fine furnishings and gazes out through the massive patio doors at the spectacular view. Rage shimmers around her and she has a wild, crazy look on her normally perfectly composed face.
“She’s here. You brought her here.”
Her tone is flat and her jaw clenches as she spots Maya’s sunglasses sitting on the sideboard and a sarong tossed over the back of a sun lounger outside. There’s no denying it. Her scent is everywhere.
“I can’t believe it.” She shakes her head in disgust, her lips pressed into a disappointed frown as she lifts Maya’s purse, which is sitting on the table. Seeing her touch Maya’s things makes me uncomfortable, and I balk, wondering why my wolf suddenly has an aversion to Kim. Is it because she’s in our space, our temporary den, where I intend to claim my mate?
Her being here feels inappropriate, and I want both Kim and her scent out of here. Briefly, I contemplate opening the doors to air out the room, but that might be insulting. I’ll wait until she leaves.
“Kim. What are you doing here?” I repeat. Alarm bells are going off in the back of my mind as she continues to fixate on Maya’s belongings.
“I actually convinced myself it couldn’t be true, that you wouldn’t have lied to our faces and then snuck off to play hooky with your latest conquest. I’ve never minded sharing you, but this is the first time you’ve lied to me.”
Her laugh is harsh and without humour. When she turns to look at me and stares for an unnervingly long time without blinking, it’s like looking at a completely different person. This isn’t the Kim I’ve known for years. Her sleek blonde bob looks lank and tousled like she’s run her hands through it a thousand times. Her normally bright, pale blue eyes look dull and cold.
Keeping my movements slow and non-threatening, I step to the side, moving around the sofa blocking my path to her, but she matches my movements, positioning the obstacle back between us.
“The hotel called to ask if we wanted to use the same company credit card for both rooms and the upgrade, which made me curious. I didn’t know about any upgrades? Why wouldn’t I be told about something changing? So I checked your personal bank account and saw the charge for the third flight.”