Page 44 of The Alpha's Regret

“Maybe I’m a little stubborn,” I concede, refusing to be drawn on what I intend to do if Dean and Nathan still think it’s too dangerous for me to live in Grey Ridge.

“Ha!” Ross chuckles and shakes his head, his eyes dancing with amusement.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He stops again, and I groan in annoyance, turning and marching back up to him, standing toe-to-toe.

“What is wrong with you this morning, Ross? Why the interrogation? I just want to run and clear my head.”

Ross throws his hands out to the sides in frustration and swivels, gesturing back down the beach to the hotel still visible in the distance. A couple out walking their dog gives us a wide berth as they pass. We look like a young couple having a lover’s tiff.

“That man back there adores you. I can smell how crazy you are about him, but you are running away from him. Literallyrunningaway from him. What are you waiting for? You know he’s not making this up."

“I’m not-”

I flounder as I look back in the direction we came from. It’s on the tip of my tongue to disagree with him, but is he right? Am I just being stubborn?

When I pay attention to my feelings instead of just shoving them deep down, as I’ve always done, I feel my wolf pining for him. She wants to be by his side. She misses him already where she’s barely tolerated anyone I dated before.

If I know how this is all going to end, why not just go to him now? There is no way I’m going to leave him. When I picture my future now, he’s smack bang in the middle of it. I’m torturing us both. Needlessly. Making him worry for my safety when I know marking me would make his wolf less anxious.

“You’re strong, Maya. You always have been. It’s scary, but you can do this.” Ross pulls me into a tight brotherly squeeze before ruffling my hair just to irritate me. I swear he rubs my face into his sweaty t-shirt on purpose.

“I’ll leave you alone to think. Just stay close enough that you can reach me.” He taps his head before releasing me, heading back the way we came.

This is it then.

Sitting on the wall, I peel off my shoes and socks, sinking my toes into the sand. Carrying them with me, I walk to the shore where the gentle waves are lapping against the beach, the soothing noise calming my chaotic mind. As the warm water swirls around my feet, I stare out across the vast expanse of glittering ocean in front of me.

It’s time. Why make this a test when it could be a two-week love fest?

I’ve tried convincing myself that this is hard for me because I’m giving up my freedom, that I saw what being mated meant for my mother. But that’s not it at all. I’ve been afraid to be happy. Giving in, admitting that I want this, that’s what is going to free me from the legacy of my family.

Slowly, I make my way back along the water’s edge. This moment is massive, life-changing, and yet I feel peaceful. That’s how I know it’s the right thing to do. I grin to myself as I think about how to tell Nathan I want him as my mate and how he’ll react. My core tingles as I imagine finally getting to feel him inside me, clamping down around his impressive length as he bites me hard. I stumble with the power of that image as it takes my breath away.

My wolf howls, urging me to get back and claim him right now. I kick the water, loving the sensation of the splashes on my heated skin. And it is hot. I need to get indoors and put on some sunscreen. In my distracted state this morning, I forgot.

Swiping a hand across my brow, I frown at my wet palm. I didn’t runthatfar. Yet, suddenly, I’m feeling light-headed. I need water.

At the next beach hut selling ice creams and water, I buy both and plonk myself down in the sand. Feeling marginally better, but not much, I blink away the dizziness shrinking my vision and making my ears roar, and a knot forms in my stomach. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to my feet and keep putting one foot in front of the other until I make it to the hotel.

I can’t have sunstroke from a quick run like that, can I?

I’m relieved nobody is paying any attention to me as I slump into an armchair and rest. Except somebody is. That somebody is the wolf we came across briefly in the shop yesterday. His blatant admiration riled Nathan, but I thought it was harmless. It doesn’t feel that way now, though, as his hungry gaze locks onto mine and as he sniffs the air. Then sniffs again. I hear his low growl and see the unmistakable gleam in his eyes as his wolf pushes forward.

What the fuck is he thinking? We’re in a public place full of humans.

His greedy eyes scan the room and I realise what he’s looking for, or who. Nathan.

He’s checking to see if I’m alone.



A shiver passes down my spine even as I sweat through my thin running top and lightweight shorts. My fight-or-flight instincts rush to the surface as fear grips me, tightening around my chest. I’m a well-trained warrior, but I’m sick and alone, and that makes me vulnerable.

I maintain eye contact with the wolf, letting him know he’s not messing with any ordinary female here. I come from an alpha bloodline and won’t be easily intimidated. Even if I feel anything but powerful right now, I can't show it.