Page 90 of Problems

Ronan disappeared to the kitchen to grab the medicine while I carefully secured the towel around my waist. Once it was in place, a hand ripped it away. I glanced up at Cian. He invaded my space as he leaned toward me.

"Who said you could cover that body up?"

I swallowed thickly. "Daddy Ronan."

"Yeah? Well I didn't. You could have been killed yesterday. I fully plan to breed you until your belly is full."

I touched my stomach on instinct. "I don't think you have that much cum," I whispered.

"Believe it, princess. Besides, I've got these other two. They'll help me."

Ronan frowned. "Help you do what?" he asked as he handed me the medicine and a glass of water.

"Just Cian being a pervert," Finn said. "And a moron."

"You two can lie all you want. I'm fucking our boy." He tipped the glass up more as I drank from it. "Hurry up. Down the fucking hatch. Get in the bedroom."

I tried not to choke. "You're demanding," I grinned. "Who says I want to?"

Cian's eyes flashed. That dark look that came over him made every inch of my skin feel as if it were on fire. I pushed forward, all for tempting that withering gaze.

"Bedroom. Now," Finn said. "Unless you're injured."

All three of them stared at me like I was a high priced steak and they'd just starved for three days in a row. I drew my tongue across my lips and chuckled as they tracked the movement. My men. My daddies. I held them in the palm of my hand and I loved it.

"Who's going to stuff my hole full of cum first?" I asked. "I need to be fucked until all of yesterday's bullshit is erased. All I want to think about are my daddies and their hard cocks."

"Fuck," Ronan groaned.

I chuckled. "Language daddy."

Ronan grinned at me. "Of course. What was I thinking?" He held out his hand and I held it. "Let's stop that rule at the bedroom door. I don't think I'll be able to be well-behaved in there."

"I sure hope not." I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. "Are you coming Daddy Finn?"

"Of course."

I waited until he moved before I turned and headed for the bedroom. As soon as we were inside Cian grabbed me and tossed me into the bed. I yelped as I bounced before I laughed. Ronan gave him a dirty look.

"Be gentle with him."

"Why? It's not like he can't handle it." Cian grabbed the lube from the bedside table. "I saw the way he took down the enemy. The boy is built a hell of a lot tougher than you pretend, Ronan."

Ronan gave Cian a disapproving glare. I beamed with pride. They'd gotten to see me in action. I'd gotten to see them too. Cian had told me when we woke up how feral Ronan had been. Apparently I was right when I called him a dolphin; he looked the most innocuous, but he was the deadliest of them all. I was proud of my daddies. All of them. They'd saved my life.

"Daddy Finn?" I called.

"Yeah, boyo?"

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked as I climbed onto the bed and shifted to the middle. I tilted my head at him. "What's wrong?"

He frowned. "I'm not avoiding you."

"Yeah you are," Cian said. "We can all see it."

Even Ronan nodded. Once I saw they all agreed with me I turned back to Finnian. He frowned. I wanted to rub the lines that creased his face and ease his worries. But I couldn't do that if I had no idea what was wrong with him.

"Why are you hiding?"