"Out on errands," Finnian said shortly. "And there's nothing stopping me from finally putting you in your place, Cian."
"Bring it fire crotch."
I groaned as I buried my face in my hands. Fire crotch? Really? Why did he even know that?
My eyes darted from one to the other. As my heart squeezed in my chest I knew I should say something, anything. But my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth like it had been glued into place.
Why not let them hash it out? After all, they seem like they need it.
The tension in the air was almost too much to take. Even with the sun setting, heat poured into my body making it even worse. To top it all off, I had never been so horny in my entire life. The thought of two jaw-dropping men coming to blows made me want to lift my skirt, wrap a hand around my cock, and stroke off until I was raw.
Cian moved first. It was a mistake. Finnian dodged his attack and slammed him onto the ground. A gasp fell from Cian's lips before he tried to drag in a breath of air, but couldn't. I winced. I'd only had the wind knocked out of me once during a horseback riding lesson. Needless to say, I never attended another one and the instructor came up missing.
Finnian grunted as Cian wrapped his legs around his waist and slammed him into the grass. I winced. They both dragged themselves to their feet before they came to blows all over again. I watched that scary look come over Finn's face, the same one I'd witnessed when he grabbed me up in the car.
He's not joking around.
Cian went after him, but I winced before he even dropped. Finnian put his foot on Cian's chest before he tilted his head.
"If you want to keep going, be my guest. I can guarantee you that you'll be sorry though. Want to try?"
Glaring, Cian tried to shove Finn's foot off. "How the fuck--."
"You're not the only one that trained with your mentor. And I was doing it when I was twelve." He ground his foot against Cian's chest. "I told you there were rules. Yes, I screwed up but let's be honest; you messed up as soon as you dressed Jack in one of your perverted little outfits. And then you made him lie for you." Finnian shook his head. "Terrible."
"What do you want me to do about that?" Cian snapped. "That's all in the past."
"I want you to take your punishment," Finnian said. "Don't set a bad example for our boy."
Ice dripped down my spine at his tone. It was equal parts terrifying and fucking hot all at once. My cock practically begged to be touched by now, but I kept quiet. Clearly, it wasn't the time to ask for that.
Cian tried to sit up. Finnian shoved him right back down again. The unhinged look in Cian's eyes made me want to retreat all the way back into the house, into my room, and underneath my bed. Instead, I shook my head.
"Okay, no more fighting," I said. "That's enough."
They both glanced at me.
"Is this bothering you?" Finnian asked.
I shrugged. "It's making my stomach feel weird," I muttered as I gripped it. "Can we stop now?"
Finnian glanced down at Cian. "Can we?"
Cian blew out a sharp breath. "Fine. I'll take the punishment."
Finnian glared down at Cian for a minute more before he took his foot off of Cian's chest. He held out a hand. Reluctantly, Cian took it and was hauled to his feet.
"You go to my room," Finn told Cian. "And you," he turned to me, "you're writing me lines. I want one sheet front and back completely filled out and neat."
I groaned. "What? Daddy come on..."
"I will not lie to Daddy Finn."
"That's such bullshit!"
Finnian stopped and turned on me, making me swallow. "Since you want to complain and the sentence is so short you can double it up."
My jaw dropped. Finnian stared as if he was just waiting for me to screw up and make another complaint. Instead, I forced myself to shut my mouth like I should have done from the beginning and marched after them both.