"Getting his art supplies," I said.
Cian nodded.
"What were you doing out there?" Finnian asked.
"Minding my business."
Those two were going to come to blows soon if they kept clashing. Why in the hell had Declan teamed them up? Jack came out of his room, his arms full of multiple sketchbooks and a few pouches filled with his favorite pencils. He stopped short of seeing Cian. The look of pure mischief overtook his face and my sweet baby boy was gone as another side of Jack came out.
"Hey pervert Daddy."
"Princess." Cian chuckled and moved toward Jack. "Want to see who's the real pervert?"
My stomach clenched at the thought of Jack not coming to me. I got that we shared but I was still spending time with him.
Jack shook his head. "Can't, I'm spending time with Daddy Ronan, but I can play with you later."
"Later as on Tuesday," Finnian said.
"You have got to be shitting me. Two days?"
"You already had your fun today." Finnian crossed his arms staring at Cian. "We are doing a schedule, we have to work together on this or it's not happening."
"Fuck that," Cian growled.
"But Daddy Cian don't you want to see how naughty I can be for you?"
Jack one. Cian none. There was no reason to worry. Jack was innocent with me but he was already learning how to play Cian.
"Fine, Tuesday," Cian said as he marched toward his room.
"Nice work Jack," Finnian complimented. He ruffled Jack's hair before heading out leaving Jack and I alone again.
"Come here baby boy."
Jack's face went stark red as he headed my way. He sat next to me and I instantly pulled his head down to my lap. His smile was wide as he wiggled a bit to curl his legs up on the couch. My fingers instantly found purchase in his hair. I lightly scraped my nails over his scalp as he stared at his sketchbook. He tapped the pencil a few times, his brows furring the longer he stared at the blank page.
"Breathe," I instructed.
Jack rushed out a breath in frustration.
He listened and did it again and again until I noticed his body relax a bit more. He'd be better drawing sitting up but it was more about getting him to start drawing than making it perfect.
"Why not draw daddy a picture?"
Jack stopped tapping his pencil against the page instantly and turned his head to look up at me. "Like what?"
"Anything is fine."
Jack nodded and turned back to face his paper. A few minutes passed and I thought about giving him an actual place to draw but there was no need as he started to draw. I let out a sigh as I watched him. His face contoured into one of pure concentration as he etched each line. I relaxed against the couch and lost myself in the feel of Jack laying on my lap and the sound of his pencil against the paper. There was nothing better except maybe hearing him call me daddy. I pulled up a book on my phone and hoped we'd get to stay like this forever.
I blinked a few times as Jack shifted. My attention never wavered from him for long. After forty-five minutes I was still on the same chapter.
"Is that the church?"
There was one I fell in love with when I was a child, we'd visit St. Margaret's catholic church often. We lived hours from it but mam made it her mission to visit at least once a month. We'd take multiple buses to get there in time for mass.