Page 41 of Problems

Jack smiled. "I just like that you're playing with me. It’s kind of like when you used to help me relax in college." Jack's gaze softened. "I never thanked you back then. I was really grateful for you."

My chest squeezed,my sweet boy."I'd do anything for you, Jack."

Jack turned around to face the tv once more. We switched the game out for one that was pixelated. There was a lot more to do on it than I'd originally thought. It was some farming game that took a lot more thinking power. There were so many extra characters and helping build a farm took time. The wrong setup and the animals broke free.

Time seemed to pass by and before I knew it the sun was already lowering outside. Jack's head fell back against my chest, his gaze strayed from the television making his character blow up some of the boxes he’d put down.

"Dang it," Jack exclaimed. He sighed and paused the game.

"Are you done?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Jack nodded and handed over the remote. "But I don't want to be um." Jack fidgeted in between my thighs. I waited patiently for him to tell me what he wanted. "I want to keep spending time with you."

"Did you have any other chores today?"

Jack shook his head. "Fi—Daddy Finnian only told me to do the kitchen."

It was strange hearing Jack call someone else daddy. Anger is what I expected but instead, I felt confusion. I didn't exactly hate it but I wasn't used to it either. For as long as I could recall I'd always pictured it being only Jack and me, whenever I gave into the delusions. Now that it was happening it wasn't the two of us, but four of us. I wanted all of him but still, we'd agreed to share. Maybe it was for the best. After all, without the other two, I wouldn't be able to cross the line with Jack no matter how strong my feelings were for him.

"What about Cian?"

Jack rolled his eyes but there was a smile on his face that was nothing like the sweet ones he aimed my way.

"That crazy pervert didn't add anything for me to clean."

"You agreed for him to be your daddy."

Jack's shoulders slumped. "I know and I don't regret saying it but he is a pervert."

I couldn't exactly argue with him, not when Cian was well Cian. His punishment alone had made me question his sanity. It was already rocky.

"When was the last time you sketched?"

I needed a change in subject. I was bound to ask what Jack saw in Cian. He was good looking but the man was someone anyone with two brain cells would steer clear of. Each of us had dirty hands, we'd taken lives for the family and never looked back on it. Cian on the other hand was different. He bathed in the blood he shed. He was what I never wanted to become, someone so lost to the joy of taking another person’s life.

"I haven't been able to." Jack sighed. "Being here has made it hard to draw."

I groaned as I got up on the couch and pulled Jack along with me. The floor was fun and all but my back was starting to hurt. "Want to try?"

Jack shrugged as he stared at his lap. "Why bother? I suck right now."

That wouldn't do. I wove my fingers through Jack's short wavy brown hair and tugged gently. He lifted his head and stared up at me as if I had some magical answer.

"You do not suck."

"Hard to believe that when I haven't been able to finish a sketch in weeks even before coming here."

Jack could get lost in his head so easily. There had been plenty of times he'd get so stuck on a project trying to reach his ideal perfection. He completely disregarded the work he'd done so far.

"Go get your sketchbook."

Jack shook his head, his bottom lip stuck out slightly. Did he know how cute he was being?

"Please baby boy."

Jack's mouth fell open, and I helped close it. The pet name had been in my head for a while. It had been hard not to say it in the past but now I could finally call him my sweet baby boy.

"Say—say it again please." Jack licked his lips as he leaned in closer. His big eyes focused on me as he waited on bated breath.