Page 93 of Problems

I panted as I swiped Ronan's seed into my mouth. He tilted my head up before he kissed me so hard I nearly lost my breath and suffocated altogether. When he pulled back I sucked in air until my lungs burned.

"Love you," I muttered as I flopped onto Finn. My eyes started to close despite how badly I wanted to keep them open. "Sleep."

"You sleep I'm going again," Cian said as he smacked my ass hard and made me jump. When I groaned, but didn't move he laughed. "I'll take that as you're cool with it."

"Never said that," I muttered, a smile on my lips.

Cian could do anything to me and I'd be happy as hell. No matter if he wanted to hold me, love me, or completely ruin me I was into it all. A sharp bite mark sank into my ass cheek and I yelped.

"Love you," Cian muttered against my skin.

"And I love you," Finn added as he caressed my chin and kissed me again. "Rest."

"Love you too," Ronan left a kiss on my forehead. "I'll make sure Cian doesn't go overboard."

The smile on my face stayed in place as my eyelids fluttered. As happy as I was that I would soon be home, I would miss this. Out here, it was just the three of us. No one could come between me and my daddies and I loved it that way.

I could only hope that when we returned home they all stuck to their words because I couldn't live without them. My heart would shatter into a million pieces if I ever tried.



I fidgetedwith my clothes as I sat in my father's office. Finnian stood behind me along with Cian while Ronan sat at my side. We'd been directed to the office by my father's secretary, but he hadn't arrived yet. Ronan reached over and adjusted my shirt, flicking off an invisible speck of dust. As his fingers grazed my wrist I breathed a little deeper and told myself to calm down. I met his concerned eyes and gave his hand a squeeze.

"It's going to be okay baby boy."

My heart squeezed as I nearly melted at his words. I sat up a little straighter. "You're right. I've got this."

"You better," Cian growled against my ear, the heat of his breath sending a shiver down my spine. "If you get taken away from me I'm going to find a way to sneak into your windows at night and pound your ass while you're half asleep."

I grinned. "You already do that. Well the second part."

"Yes, but the breaking in is the real concern princess. I won't be gentle."

I yelped as my jaw dropped. Cian had nipped my earlobe! I rubbed it as I turned back to glare daggers at him. I knew the man was insane, but every once in a while he really proved it.I should probably think about running from him.

The thought of that made me laugh. Yeah, right. There was no way in hell I could get away from Cian. If I tried he would just hunt me down and probably kill me. Thank God he was on my side or he would be truly terrifying.

Cian smiled at me. I turned back around in my seat and shook my head. Finnian's hand landed on my shoulder. He squeezed it and I relaxed even more.

"We're all right here for you boyo."

I touched his hand gingerly. "I know Daddy. Thank you."

We pulled apart as the door opened. My father walked in, flanked by two men. I recognized them briefly as members of the Vitale family. I hadn't seen them in years, but they still looked the same. One glanced at me and I forced myself not to wither beneath his cool gaze.

I stood up and held out a hand. "Jack," I said briefly.

"Benito." He shook my hand before he glanced at the rest of my men. "And this is my brother, Enzo."

Enzo didn't offer a hand. Instead, he nodded. I noticed that he kept his distance though, choosing to stay alongside the wall rather than interact with us. I'd heard things about Enzo, that he was odd. He seemed like every other mafia man to me; cool and aloof on the outside. He was probably batshit insane on the inside.

My father cut through the bullshit and hugged me right away. The heavy hand that slapped my back was familiar. Comforting. When we pulled apart, I nodded at him.

"You seem... different," he said.

I gave him a small smile. "Maybe I grew up a little."