Page 36 of Problems


"If we're going to do this, there are rules," Finnian said.

"Of course there are," Cian groaned. "So fucking boring."

Finnian punched Cian in the stomach. The man gasped, wheeled back, and glared at him. I watched as he took a step forward, but one glance from Finnian and he paused.Seriously just fuck already!I'd never seen two people who wanted to screw each other's brains out as badly as they did. They were playing a stupid game.

"Jack, are you listening?" Ronan asked.

I blinked at him. "Now I am."

Ronan smiled. "Good. We were talking about it and only Finnian and I have experience with this whole Daddy thing."

"You do?" I asked Ronan. "You never told me that."

Ronan shrugged. "It was a long time ago," he said. "In another life."

Now I was curious. However, Ronan glanced away from me as if he didn't want to talk about it. Later. I wanted to know what they were talking about right now.

"What are the rules?" I asked.

"First off, you don't have to do shite you don't want to do, boy," Finnian said. "Is that understood? You have the option to opt out of anything that goes too far. Have you ever done this before?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I've had a few online relationships with Daddies."

Ronan stiffened. "What?"

"Well!" I threw up my arms. "You kept stopping me from having real ones."

"Glad I did," he muttered.

I raised a brow at the vindictive tone in his voice. Heat swirled in the pit of my stomach. Ronan was jealous? Over me? I loved that so much I could hardly sit still. I bounced on my toes grinning as I tried to imagine Ronan being possessive and jealous over me with other guys.

"Focus," Finn snapped.

"Yes, sir." I chewed my lip. "Shit, that just slipped out."

"I think I prefer Daddy Finn," Finnian said, giving me that rare smile that made me want to fly. "You know about safe words then?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Mine has always been red. Easy to remember."

"Then we'll go with that," Finnian said. "If at any time anything goes against what you want, you just say red. We'll stop immediately. Alright?"

"Yes... Daddy Finn," I added, tasting the weight of it on my tongue.

I loved it. Finnian's grin grew and I wanted to say it over and over again if he just looked at me like that a little longer.

"Enough," Cian groaned. "Come on, spit it out. What's the rest of the rules?"

"Jack will have rules to follow. You'll help out around the house, do as you’re told, and follow your punishments. Only if you behave will you get rewards. And no, I won't spank you again as punishment. You were hard during the last one."

My face flushed. "You were too!" I pointed out.

Finnian cleared his throat. "Regardless."

"He's got you there Mr. By the Book," Cian snickered.

"Shut up." Finnian turned back to me. "The other rule is for all of us. Jack will belong to us for the remainder of this... little trip," he said. "All of us. I don't want to see any fucking jealousy. Either we all get along and share, or he's off limits to all of us."