And still, none of them promised they won’t use her once we find her.

But that’s something I’ll have to deal with after we get her back, because he’s right, damn him.

I give him a jerky nod. “Fine. I’ll quit trying to run and help you guys figure out where she went, but not if you’re going to treat me like a fucking prisoner.” I jerk my wrists out of his grasp. “You’re not tying me up again.”

“You don’t like the cuffs?” Maddoc says with a cool smile. “That’s… surprising.”

I narrow my eyes. “You’re a fucking asshole.”

“And you’re our partner now,” he replies calmly enough that I’m tempted to grab that gun from his waistband and shoot him all over again just to get a rise out of him. “We’ve got no reason to restrain you again.”

“None?” I ask before I can stop myself, my face flushing with heat as I realize how that might sound… and try to figure out if that’s how I meant it.

Something flashes behind Maddoc’s eyes. “None,” he repeats, giving me a predator’s smile as he grips his shoulder. The one I shot.

He doesn’t trust me, and he shouldn’t. Not while he’s still planning on using my sister as a pawn.

“Get some sleep. Dante will take you back to your room.”

There’s no way in hell I want to wait. I want to find Chloenow. But like he’s reading my mind again, Maddoc pins me with an alphahole look that doesn’t leave any room for argument.

“We need you to be alert tomorrow. I’ve already got people all over Halston looking for her, but with your knowledge of her habits and connections, hopefully we’ll be able to predict her actions and find her.”

“But West Point—”

“Hasn’t figured it out yet,” Dante cuts in, taking my arm and tugging me toward the stairs. “Trust me, princess. We’ve got ears to the ground. You’ll be more useful when you’re not crashing from adrenaline.”

Useful? Fuck him. Especially because I know he’s right. At least I’m reassured by his words about West Point, though.

Which, I realize with a scowl, means a part of me still trusts him.

But I refuse to overthink it. Honestly, I don’t have the energy left for that shit right now. Besides, like Maddoc said, we’re partners now.

For this, at least.

“No one’s seen any sign of her?” I ask as we climb the stairs, suddenly desperate for news of how the search is going.

I’m completely torn about what kind of answer to hope for. Of course I want to find her, but wanting them to find her too is a one-eighty I’m having trouble making.

Dante shakes his head. “Madd’s got everyone with a pulse out looking, but your girl’s gone to ground. We know you gave her your cell phone and that envelope full of money. But so far, Logan’s had no luck tracing the phone. That means she probably either ditched it or is keeping it turned off intentionally so that it can’t be tracked by pings to nearby cell towers.” He gives me a smile that’s a faint echo of his usual grin. “You taught her well, princess.”

His words spark a surge of pride… immediately followed by a surge of fear.

“What will happen to her if West Point finds out what she’s worth and goes after her?”

His face turns grim. “Their goal would be the same as ours. That kind of money is going to allow whoever has access to it to come out on top. West Point will just be a lot less nice about how they get what they want from her.”

I shiver, feeling sick. I can’t let that happen, no matter what it takes.

Even if it means seeing her married to one of—


Not that. Therewillbe another way.

Dante’s steps slow as we reach the door to my room. “You know, Maddoc might be pissed at you right now, but he also respects you. And trust me, princess, he doesn’t respect a lot of people.”

I make a rude sound. Mostly to cover up the flare of warmth those words bring. “I fucking shot him.”