He’s needling me, trying to get a reaction, and it worked. But he’s also fucking right. I’m the leader, and it’s one thing to make sure I’m holding it together when our organization has eyes on me—I’ll always do that, no matter what it takes—but it’s something else entirely to make sure I’m truly good to go when it’s time to move.

And for that, I do need to unwind a little.

“Go,” Dante says, jerking his chin toward the stairs like he can sense he’s won. “Shower at least, yeah? And think about catching some shut eye. Logan and I will hold down the fort.”

It’s the one thing in life I can always count on. My brothers have my back. Always.

I give in with a nod. “I guess taking a few to decompress isn’t a bad idea.”

“And Paytondidoffer…” Dante starts in, his eyes twinkling as he drags the joke out too far.

I answer him with my middle finger, heading toward the stairs, but Dante’s still not done.

“You want me to get you someone else?” he calls out from behind me, not trying to goad me this time.

He really does know that I’ve got no interest in Payton despite her blatant come-ons, but he also knows that a good hard fuck is my go-to when I actually need to release some tension. What he doesn’t know is that there’s only one person on my mind these days, only one woman I want to sink back inside now that I know how fucking perfect it feels to be balls deep in her tight little body.


Right up the stairs, but after what went down in the kitchen, completely out of reach.

I shake my head, waving the offer off without turning around. “I just need a quick shower, like you said.”

I take the stairs two at a time and silently curse Dante’s “helpful” suggestion as I pass Riley’s room and head toward mine, because now I’m thinking with my cock… and I reallycoulduse a good fuck right now.

The problem is, last night I had the hottest one of my life, and now nothing else appeals.

Especially because it wasn’t just the hottest, it was also the fucking stupidest.

I let my guard down.

“Goddammit,” I grit out as I reach the private bathroom off the master bedroom I claim as my own, pissed off all over again.

I methodically strip my clothes off and slam my hand down on the faucet in the shower, pushing it all the way toward the left. If nothing else, I can get it to burn off some of the fucked up mess happening in my head right now.

I just got done reminding Dante that I learned my lesson when Sienna fucked me over, but did I? Because as the bathroom starts to steam up and I quickly wrap my shoulder in plastic before stepping under the scalding spray, I can admit—only here, only to myself—that I fucking fell for it all over again last night. That over these past few weeks, I’ve started to…feelthings for Riley.

Things that were above and beyond what I’d ever felt for Sienna.

Things I started to think might be real.

But just like with that bitch Sienna, it turns out I wasn’t just wrong, I let those fucking feelings completely blind me to Riley’s actual motives. When she suddenly wanted to fuck out of the blue last night, I wasn’t thinking distraction. I wasn’t worried about whether or not she might be using my cock to break down my barriers. I didn’t even question why she wasn’t with her sister, when making sure the girl was safe was all Riley had cared about since we met her.

I just figured something else was happening. Something between us that I’d been resisting, but that felt inevitable too.

And I figured wrong… but I still can’t get her out of my head.

I close my eyes and tip my head back against the tile with a vicious string of curses, letting the hot water sluice down my face even though it’s doing a shit job of burning out the memories I’d rather bury.

How fucking good it felt to finally take her after holding back for so long. How goddamn perfect she tasted, like honey and smoke and the kind of sex that could fucking ruin a man for all other pussy. How her body opened up to me, how my name sounded when she came, how fucking hot it was when she begged me, fought me, moaned for me…

“Fuck,” I grit out, squeezing my cock—hard and dripping now—out of sheer rage.

At myself.

Because even knowing the truth now, even knowing how fucking wrong I was about it all, I still can’t stop, I don’twantto stop, replaying those memories in my head.

So I give in and do it. Start working over my shaft because if nothing else, I need the fucking release.