“Hellno,” I spit out, suddenly furious. “Do you honestly think I’d have anything to do with those West Point motherfuckers afterthey took my fucking sister? These are Reapers, Frank. The people I went to for help after you sold her.”

I can’t tell if the expression on Frank’s face is guilt or if he’s about to shit himself, and I honestly don’t care. Especially not when his go-to response is to deny any responsibility. “More of a business arrangement than an actual sale,” he says, holding his hands up as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face. “And come on now, no harm, no foul, right? It’s just a temporary thing. You gotta know I always planned on getting her back. She’s my little girl.”

“Fuck you,” I spit out, then bite my tongue. I’m not here just to ream him out, as satisfying as that would be. “Have you heard from her?”

Frank’s eyes dart around the room again, skittering away from the glowering stares from each Reaper. “You mean, uh, like recently?”

“Yeah, I mean fucking recently. Has she made contact with you at all? Called? Come by?”

His face brightens. “She’s not with West Point anymore?”

I ball my hands into fists to keep from punching him. “Answer me!”

“Okay, okay,” he says, the smile dropping from his face as he makes a settle down gesture and backs away a little. Then he realizes that puts him closer to Logan, and stops in his tracks. “Not sure why you’re so worked up, honey girl. You just said she’s not with them anymore, so—”

I don’t know what he sees on my face, but whatever it is, he shuts the fuck up and swallows hard.

“Have you heard from her, or not?”

Another bead of sweat drips down the side of his face, and he shakes his head. “Uh, no. I don’t think so. No. Definitely not. Not since, you know, before.”

“You mean, before you fucking sold her.”

“But you said she got away! See? It all worked out, just like I said. I knew they wouldn’t hold on to her, right? Didn’t I say that? And they didn’t.”

I stalk toward him. “They did fucking hold on to her. They used her. Degraded her. They hurt her, Frank!Wegot her out. But now she’s on the streets of Halston somewhere, all on her own, and I… I need to… I don’t know where…”

I’m so angry my voice starts to shake, my thoughts in just as much of a mess as my emotions. His cavalier attitude about the complete shit-fest he got Chloe into and all his self-serving lies have ripped something open inside me, and I’m not sure how to hold myself together. I’m not even sure if I want to try.

“I can’t fucking believe you!”

“Now, just calm down, Riley,” he starts, backing away from me again. “If you need help finding your sister, I can help with that, but I can’t, uh, if you do something silly here, I’m not gonna be able to—mpgggff.”

The empty bullshit he’s spouting turns into a pained gurgle when Logan suddenly grabs him by the throat and slams him against the wall. “Shut the fuck up.”

I’m so used to Logan’s stillness, his control, that it’s a shock to see how quickly he moves. And an even bigger shock to realize he’s doing more than just acting like muscle. His whole body vibrates with anger as he glares into Frank’s eyes, fury radiating off him in a palpable cloud.

“Your job was to protect your daughters,” he says, his voice dripping with venom, “not sell them. You’re a pathetic piece of shit. You had something precious. Something to care for. And youfailed.”

Frank’s hands scrabble at Logan’s wrist, his toes barely touching the floor. His face is starting to turn blue, and I can’t find it in myself to care, because Logan’s right.

“You don’t deserve to live,” he says, slamming Frank into the wall again.

Frank’s head makes a sickening crack, and his eyes roll up, his nails digging bloody scores into Logan’s arm.

Logan doesn’t even flinch. He just leans closer, his grip noticeably tightening, and whispers something in Frank’s ear. Whatever it is puts a look of utter terror on Frank’s face, taking his efforts to get loose from panicked to completely frantic.

It makes no difference. Logan is relentless. And based on Frank’s wildly rolling eyes and the choked, gurgling whine he manages to make, he’s finally realized the truth too.

He’s not getting out of this.

Logan is actually going to kill him.



Maddoc crosses the room,coming to a stop at Logan’s shoulder.