Page 114 of Pretty Dark Vows

I didn’t ask how they got the body for this mission. I didn’t want to know.

All I did was insist that they wouldn’t kill someone to get it, and Dante assured me that they wouldn’t.

Apparently, he’s got some kind of hookup at a morgue or a mortuary or something, and that was good enough for me.

“Got it covered?” Dante asks, sauntering over to me once they’ve set things up. I nod, and he takes the almost empty canister from me. “Take your sister out to the Yukon,” he says firmly, resting a hand low on my back and giving me a little push.

I nod again, feeling almost numb in the wake of all the fear and adrenaline that poured through me earlier. But it’s not over yet. It won’t be until we’re safely out of here.

I grab Chloe, shielding her a little from the sight of Dante emptying the last of the accelerant over the bodies, and hustle her out to the vehicle.

Logan follows us, and all three of us climb into the back of the car. I take the middle seat, with Logan on my right and Chloe on my left. Logan ignores us both, pulling out a laptop from beneath the seat.

Dante slips into the front passenger seat a minute later, and Logan’s head pops up.

“Lit?” he asks.

“Maddoc’s got it,” Dante answers. A loudthwumpsounds from the building, making me flinch, and Dante grins. “There ya go.”

Logan’s lip curls up and he nods once, then goes back to whatever he’s doing on the laptop.

“Riley?” Chloe asks, her voice shaky as she presses against my side, shivering.

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “It’s all going to burn.”

“Damn fucking right it is,” Maddoc growls as he slides into the driver’s seat.

He drives away from the loading dock, pulling over once we’re a block away, and the three of them turn to look back at the warehouse. Chloe is still shaking, huddled next to me with her eyes squeezed shut, and I press a kiss against her temple, smoothing my hand over her hair as I turn to look too.

And just like I promised my sister—just like these three men promised me—everything is burning.

It’s fucking glorious.



“Riley, what’s going on?”Chloe whispers as Maddoc peels out, speeding away like a bat out of hell now that we’ve confirmed that the fire in the warehouse has caught.

She’s looking at me with wide, terrified eyes, and I don’t quite know how to answer. It’s not like we’ve actually been apart that long, but everything is different now.I’mdifferent. The time I’ve spent with the Reapers has changed me, and now that I’ve finally got her back, I can feel that shift inside myself more than ever.

Chloe is still trembling, though, so I force a smile onto my face and gently push the hair—gritty from the gun smoke and violence we left behind—off her forehead.

“You’re safe,” I tell her, since that’s the important thing. “You’re free from West Point now. That’s what’s going on.”

“Will they come after me again?” she asks, her voice breaking.

My heart breaks along with it, but thanks to Logan’s thoroughness, West Point shouldn’t ever try to get her back.

“No.” I grip her hand, holding her gaze so she can see how certain I am about that.

“But what about Dad?” she whispers, dropping her voice as her eyes skitter toward the front seat. Toward Dante and Maddoc. “And… them?”

I still don’t want to tell her we’re in the car with three Reapers. She’s already scared enough, and besides, I’m not sure what they want her to know. What’s safe for her to know.

But her other question, the first one, is easy, so I can at least give her that.

“You don’t have to worry about Frank anymore,” I tell her. “He’s going to have to deal with his own fucking debts from now on. I won’t let him near you again, Chloe. I promise.”