I know that I need to focus on the mission, but a part of me wants to give in to the chemistry brewing between us.

I shake my head and try to clear my thoughts. There’s no time for distractions.

When Felix leaves my room, I pick up the phone and call Angelo.

“Angelo,” I say. “Felix said you haven’t managed to hire someone to infiltrate tonight’s party at such short notice.”

“That’s correct,” he says.

“Listen up. I just spoke with him. I explained how urgent it is we do this today since I know we started buying stocks yesterday, and I need your help. Can you send me some clothes in my size? I’ll send you reference photos

and just send a wig too.”

Angelo is silent for a moment before he finally responds. “Boss didn’t mention this to me, Emily,” he says.

Shit. I need him to believe it’s true.

“I talked to Felix privately. He trusts my judgment, Angelo,” I say in an authoritative voice.

“He’s on his way to the golf club now. You can disturb his round of golf with your judgment call, but how he reacts will be on you. He’s in a bad mood today, let me tell you that. But go ahead, I insist. Call him.”

There’s a pause on the line, and I hold my breath, waiting for his response.

Finally, he speaks. “Okay. I’ll do it. What kind of clothes do you need?”

I let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, Angelo. Ensure the clothes are appropriate for what a high-end escort might wear to a cocktail party. Something that’ll make me blend in with the crowd. And a long wig, preferably blonde.”

“Got it. I’ll send someone over with the clothes and wig in a couple of hours. Just give me a location.”

“It’s the boss’s house,” I say.

“Oh right, I forget,” he stammers.

I make one more call before putting my phone aside.

“Hello,” comes her voice, loud and clear.

“I need an in on the Lucchese party tonight, a disguise. Can you get me an escort gig for tonight?”

“We know some girls of the night,” she says and hangs up the call.

Illuminati does as asked.

Within half an hour, I receive the number and contact of the man I will be escorting tonight.

Sal Lucchese's close aide and confidante, Micky Esposito.

I then immediately get down to creating the fake financials; Balance sheets, profit and loss statements, financial health statistics.

By the time I’m done, it seems like the Lucchese are hiding quite a bit of disease behind their well-put-out public image.

The investors will be in for quite a scandal.

I’m not hungry anymore.

Instead, I head for the shower, letting the hot water wash over me as I plan my next moves.