Felix nods, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer before turning towards the door.

I follow him out of the room and into the hallway, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

We make our way to the conference room, where the rest of the team is waiting. Everyone turns to look at us as we enter, and I can feel their curious eyes on me.

Felix takes his seat at the head of the table, and I sit beside him, my eyes fixed on the ground.

I can feel the tension as the team waits for Felix to speak.

After a few moments of silence, Felix clears his throat.

“Alright, everyone, let’s get to work. Emily, I want you to work on tracking down the source of the missing funds. We need to find out who’s behind this and what they plan to do with the money.”

I nod, my eyes still focused on the ground. I know I have to focus on the task at hand.

“It’s going to be a long day and night, people,” I say.

We all head to the computer room, where I take over the largest screen. We work in tandem. Hours pass by. Someone brings coffee and passes it around. I take one. Felix grabs it and puts sugar into it.

“I know that’s how you like it,” he says.

I smile, grateful. I then remind myself not to fall for his kind gestures - they’ll mean nothing once I tell him the truth.

But for now, I remember him this way; kind, gentle, affectionate.

I immerse myself in an all-consuming investigation.

I delve into the depths of the blockchain, leaving no stone unturned in my pursuit of answers.

But despite my determination, the hacker’s tracks remain elusive.

Each wallet-to-wallet transfer I trace dissipates into thin air, leaving no trace of its final destination.

The day turns into a sleepless night. Felix instructs people to go home, but I stay on.

For that reason alone, he stays on.

A team. Which won’t last long, will it?

I crush my feelings behind screens of data.

I start mapping out a web of potential connections, drawing lines between different wallets, and scrutinizing the timing and amounts of the transactions.

It’s like piecing together a puzzle. I must trust my instincts to find the missing pieces.

Small discrepancies in transaction timestamps and minute differences in transfer amounts begin to reveal a faint outline of the hacker’s trail.

As the picture gradually comes into focus, I realize that this isn’t just a solitary hacker operating in the shadows.

It’s an intricate web of accomplices, each playing their part in obfuscating the stolen funds.

My pursuit now extends beyond tracking a single wallet; It’s an entire network.

I draw a deep breath, removing my eyes from the screen after hours.

I stand and turn. Multiple faces turn to me for answers.

“It’s gone,” I say, loud and clear, so no one gets false hope.