At this moment, I am completely lost for words. Angelo stands there, still, looking back and forth between us.

“Umm, if you will,” says Angelo, trying to get past Emily, who is now blocking the only entrance and exit to this room.

“No,” says Emily to Angelo, though she stares right at me. “You should have called me first thing, Angelo.”

I can feel the tension in the room building. Emily’s eyes are locked on mine.

I can see the fire behind them, and it’s not just anger.

There’s something else there, something that sends a shiver down my spine.

“Boss,” says Angelo, trying to interrupt the silence. “I should get the team together.”

“Of course,” I say, my eyes still on Emily. “We don’t have much time.”

“Why didn’t you call me Angelo?” asks Emily, still staring at me, her arms crossed against her chest.

Angelo looks at me like a helpless puppy.

“Don’t talk to my man like that,” I tell Emily.

“Don’t tell my team to keep secrets from me,” says Emily.


“Angelo,” says Emily, finally turning to him. “Go to the basement. Get everyone together. I’ll be there soon.”

Angelo nods furiously. He looks at me, and I give him a signal to leave.

I’ve never seen a man look as relieved as he did when Emily stepped out of his way.

I smile a little at her, the situation, and Angelo.

At how much of a little tiger Emily is.

“You think you can help us,” I say to Emily, trying to keep my voice even.

“Do you know how to trace the funds?”

“I can do more than trace them,” says Emily. “I can get the money back.”

“How?” I ask. “The wallets are built on a decentralized system. The transactions are anonymous.”

“I have my ways,” says Emily, her voice low and dangerous. “But first, you need to tell me everything. What’s going on? And why was Angelo hiding this from me?”

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. I wanted things to go differently. But Emily is right. She deserves to know the truth.

“We got access back to our wallets, but 50 million is still missing,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm.

“We don’t know where the money went, but there’s no way to trace it.”

“I got that,” she says, rolling her eyes at me.

“I want to know why I wasn’t called to discuss the missing funds. It’s my domain, isn’t it? Crypto and digital financial assets?”

I run my hand through my hair nervously. “Well, yes,” I say. “But I thought you’ve already done so much for us.”

“It’s my job.”