The truth is, we could be something great, but that is a conversation we should have at the right time and the right place.

But I wonder if I managed the situation wrong.

I’m just taken aback because what does she expect me to say?

What are we?

I believe we’re in love, whatever that means because I’ve never felt this way before.

But now, I know that only she can truly understand what’s going on inside her head and heart, and she needs clarity before she can get it from me.

Fuck. She’s running through my mind now.

I analyze, overanalyze, and dissect my reply. I wish I had said this or that. I need to stop thinking.

I reach the office and distract myself with damage control.

I go into the basement and ask for an update.

“Angelo,” I ask. “Update me.”

“We’ve managed to get access to all the 246 crypto wallets, which we thought were irretrievably lost,” Angelo says. His voice is low and carries a specific authority in it. “Every single one of them is safe now.”

I exhale in relief, a feeling I wasn’t expecting, but it feels incredibly good.

We did it. We managed to dodge the bullet this time around. “Good, how?”

“Well, we got some black hat hackers to hack us back in and changed all the key passwords, enabled 2FA.”

“Good,” I nod. “So, no more threats then?”

“No more threats,” Angelo confirms. “We’re good to go now.”

I relax. I’m grateful for Angelo and his team. They always manage to pull through, even in the most challenging situations.

“Anything else?” I ask, looking at him.

Angelo shakes his head. “Nothing major, just the usual. Just a few problems with some of the accounts, but they’ve been resolved.”

I nod, feeling a sense of relief. At least there’s one less thing to worry about.

“Just keep monitoring everything and let me know if there are any sudden changes,” I say before returning upstairs.

As I walk back to my office, I feel like something’s wrong.

Like there’s more to all this than what meets the eye.

But I shook the feeling off. I was resolute in staying focused on my other operations, which were the backbone of everything we did.

Angelo comes running back as I enter my office and sit down at my desk.

“Boss,” he says, his face ashen white.

“What’s up?”

“Boss, remember when I said earlier that everything was okay?”

My heart quickens. I take a deep breath and nod.