I sigh, letting my head fall back against the headrest.

Maybe one is foolish when it comes to love.

I take a deep breath and follow him inside.

Chapter 21


Lastnight,Icameinside and waited for Emily to follow.

She took her time, and I gave her all the time she needed because it was clear that she was trying to clear her head.

I know I fucked up. No matter what, I shouldn’t have let her come with us to bust Enzo and the Lucchese’s.

She is convincing. She came into work daily on top of her game, and I started believing she was the mafia.

But after I witnessed how we do things when betrayed, I’m reminded of my folly.

Emily is not the mafia. She simply works for one.

She will never understand my world, and she shouldn’t have to.

From this morning, I promise I will not allow her into the intricacies of our operations.

No matter how much she may try to convince me. It’s for her own good.

This morning, she walks into the kitchen.

I notice how tired she looks and how the bags under her eyes are more pronounced than usual.

“Good morning,” I say as I sip my coffee. “Did you sleep well?”

She doesn’t answer for a moment, just stares into her own cup of coffee.

“Fine,” she eventually says, her voice quiet and subdued.

I can tell she’s still upset about last night. I don’t blame her.

It’s not easy to accept the truth about the world she has found herself in.

“I know it’s not what you wanted to hear,” I say, breaking the silence between us.

“But it’s the truth.”

“I know,” she says, taking a sip of her coffee and coming down to sit at the table opposite me.

“It’s hard to accept that true love can’t win?”

“One can’t fight their destiny,” I say, touching hers. She pulls away.

“Destinies are made,” she says.

“Or perhaps some of us are destined to believe that,” I mutter.

She looked at me, almost like she was making a decision, like she’d forgotten I was even there.

She says nothing, shakes her head slowly, blinks her eyes rapidly, and lets loose an agonizing breath.