His face is pale, and his eyes remote. Obviously, he’s been drugged by some powerful substance to make him compliant, an old trick of the Carlisi’s.

I can tell he’s in no condition to fight back, and we’re all the better for it.

I take out my knife and cut Enzo loose before kicking him down the stairs and into the corner of the room, where he lies, whimpering.

“Why?” I ask.

He simply spits at me.

I take a step forward, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him up to meet my gaze.

“I said why?” I repeat, my tone more menacing this time.

Enzo spits at me again, but this time I dodge it effortlessly. I lean down to his ear, my breath hot against his skin.

“You know I could make your life a living hell, Enzo. So why don’t you tell me what I want to know?”

He chuckles, his breath reeking of alcohol and cigarettes.

“You think you scare me, Felix? You’re just a small-time boss trying to make a name for yourself.

You’ll never be as powerful as the Luccheses.”

So it was the Luccheses, one of our oldest rival families.

But that still doesn’t answer my question - why would a Carlisi choose them over their own?

Why did Enzo do what he did?

I feel my anger rising, but I keep my composure.

“Do you think I care about power, Enzo? I care about respect. And you disrespected me by betraying me.”

Enzo smirks, his eyes meeting mine.

“I did it for the money, Felix. You know that.”

I nod slowly, understanding his motives but still feeling betrayed. “And what did they want in return?”

“They wanted information about your operations, your men, your connections. They wanted to tear you down, Felix, and I helped them.”

“You sold us out,” I say, my voice low and deadly. “You betrayed our code, our family. And for what? A few extra bucks?”

Enzo shrugs, a cocky smile spreading across his face.

“It’s just business, Felix. Nothing personal.”

I chuckle darkly, my hand curling into a fist.

“Oh, it’s personal, Enzo. Very personal.”

I grab him by the hair and yank his head back, exposing his neck. With a swift motion, I place a knife on his neck.”

Just then, Emily speaks up.

“Wait,” she mutters. “Wait, look at this.”

I kick Enzo to the floor again and make my way to Emily.