We pile into the cars and drive towards the Industrial District.

The tension in the car is evident as we approach the suspected location of the hackers.

Felix, his enforcer Antonio and I remain quiet the whole way.

When we arrive, Felix gives the signal, and he and his men quickly surround the building.

“You stay in the fucking car,” he says, locking me in with a security code he thinks I can’t use to open the doors from inside. “Stay low.”

The men are stealthily creeping up to the building.

There is pin-drop silence, and I know what Felix is looking to do - take them by the element of surprise.

I get busy with placing the GPS trackers on the cars.

I log into the app and slowly begin controlling the spherical BB-8 robots with the attached GPS mappers to go under the cars not belonging to us and place the trackers.

The robots get in motion. I wait breathlessly and then notice that two robots cannot reach with their protruding arms to place the device under the cars.

“Shit,” I say out loud to no one in general. I need to get out of the car.

I pull the pin from my hair and let my hair fall around my shoulders. I attempt to open the car lock with it, but it fails.

I quickly pull a bobby pin from my bag and bend it into a lock-picking tool.

As I attempt to pick the lock, I hear a commotion outside.

Someone’s shouting, followed by the sound of men running out.

My heart races, and I know I need to move quickly.

Finally, the lock clicks open, and I slip out of the car, moving quickly toward the two robots that can’t reach their targets.

I crouch down and carefully maneuver the robots, placing the GPS trackers under the cars.

I look around myself, making sure no one has seen me.

Everything seems clear until I hear footsteps approaching me from behind.

I turn to see a tall, muscular man, his face hidden behind a black ski mask.

My heart stops for a moment as fear grips me. But then, I know I can’t let him catch me.

I quickly grab the pepper spray from my purse and spray it in his direction, hitting him right in the face.

As he stumbles back, I make a run for it. But he’s quick and grabs my wrist, pulling me back towards him.

“You little bitch,” he growls, his breath hot on my face.

“You’re going to regret that.”

But before he can do anything, I feel someone grab him from behind and pull him away.

I turn around to see Felix, his face set in a deadly expression.

“Don’t you dare touch her,” he snarls, his grip on the man’s neck tightening.

I watch, my heart racing, as Felix wrestles with the masked man.