I turn away and call for attention.

“Listen up, ladies and gentlemen,” I begin.

“I would like to apologize” - a gasp goes through the room - “to Emily for not heeding her advice that day. She had brought to each of our attention that unnamed parties were attempting to log into our crypto wallets. I

listened to you all - my folly - but today, I, and each of you, will listen to Emily.”

“Emily,” I say, facing her. “You’re right. We need to find out who did this. And we need to do it fast.”

She nods, her eyes focused and serious. “I have a plan,” she says, stepping forward.

“Fine. Prove yourself. How do we find out who did this?”

Enzo stands up, brushing off his pants. “I’m done here. I won’t be part of this.”

“Fine. Leave then,” I say, eyeing him as he walks away.

Everyone waits till he is out of earshot.

I feel a sting of betrayal, for these are rare times when an associate walks out in a mafioso’s life. Enzo will have to be dealt with later.

Emily takes a deep breath and walks over to Angelo’s computer.

“I need access to all the other wallets - the smaller ones. We need to see if any of them have been breached.”

Angelo hesitates for a moment before giving her access. She starts going through each wallet, checking the logs and transactions. We all stand around, watching her work.

After a few minutes, she stops and turns to face us.

“I found something. A transaction from a wallet that hasn’t been active in months. It’s a huge amount - almost ten percent of what the hackers took from us. But the thing is, the transaction was not made to any external wallet.

It was made to our own meta wallet.”

We stare at her, waiting for her to continue.

“I believe the hacker used a backdoor to transfer the funds from one of our wallets to our meta wallet. And then, they transferred the funds to an external wallet. But when they did that, they left a trace.”

She turns back to the computer and starts typing furiously.

“There,” she says, pointing to a line of code. “This transfer was made from a computer within our own network.”

My heart quickens as I realize what Emily is saying.

“Are you saying that someone within our organization is working with the hackers?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes,” she says. “I have a pretty good idea who it is. But I need to confirm it first.”

“How?” asks Angelo.

“I need to access Enzo’s computer,” she says. “I need to see if he has the same files on his computer as the hackers used to breach our system.”

I stiffen, already petrified of where this may lead us. “What files?” I ask.

“The ones that contain our firewall codes and security algorithms,” says Emily.

Enzo’s sudden departure made me suspicious, and Emily’s findings have only confirmed my fears. It’s time to get to the bottom of this, and fast.

“Alright,” I say, “let’s go to Enzo’s office.”