I can’t read his mind, so I let it go. This situation is hard on both of us, so I’d rather not push him over the edge or put myself in a tide I might drown in.

We reach the office and head to the basement together in silence.

But the minute we enter the basement, we come across chaos.

Each and every screen is up and running, and over a dozen mafioso and security personnel are rapidly barking orders at one another or on the phone.

“What’s going on?” I ask one of the enforcers on the ground. He barely even looks at me.

I rush to my desk, but Enzo stands over it, accessing my files. “What the hell is going on?” I ask him.

He ignores me too.

Finally, I hear Felix bellow, and everybody shuts up.

“Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” he asks.

“Boss,” says Angelo. “We’ve been hacked.”

Felix’s eyes narrow, and I find my heart rate beginning to fasten. My legs tremble, and I sit down, trying to understand what Angelo is saying.

“Hacked how?” asks Felix.

“This morning, we had to send some of our associate’s money for a trans-Atlantic shipment via Greece. Well, we can’t log in.”

“Into which wallet?” I ask, grimacing.

Everyone turns to stare at me as though they have forgotten I exist.

“Our multi-currency wallet,” Angelo replies. “The meta wallet. Where all our crypto lies - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero.”

“Do we have others?” I ask.

“Yes,” says Enzo. “We do, but most of our cash flow lies in this. The one we can’t log in into.”

Felix slams a hand on the table. “How could we be so dumb? Who set the security?”

“That was me, boss,” Angelo says. “I set it with the highest security possible. I have no explanation.”

“Are we the only ones affected?” I dare to ask.

Angelo nods his head. “So far, yes. This is the first time anyone else has come out with a hack. The internet is going on about its day like nothing’s happened.

My head spins.

Felix points the finger at Enzo. “We put our trust in you. This is why you were hired. You were supposed to protect us. How are we going to make this right?

Enzo regards Felix coolly. “We need to find out who did this. It won’t be easy.”

I look up, feeling as though something is missing.

“I...I believe whoever hacked into the account probably also tried hacking into the other accounts. I think I know what we have to do.

The other day, I had set up an IP tracker on one of the smaller wallets, and if we just...”

“You did what?” Enzo shrieks.

“We told you that the other day wasn’t a threat. Boss,” he says, now turning to Felix with rage.