“Yeah, I saw how hard you worked under Felix Carlisi,” he grunted.

Felix Carlisi ... The Felix Carlisi? The latest Don, aka mafia head for the Carlisi empire?

“Stop fucking with my head, Redneck,” I say at last.

“I’m not. That man you were so busy fucking happened to be Felix Carlisi. Fortunately for you, I wish you no ill will. I could have walked in here and told him who you were - Rosalie Battaglia, the prized possession of Fronzo

Battaglia ... and as you know...”

“The Carlisis and Battaglias hate each other.”

He nods, staring me straight in the face. “Correct. If Felix found out a Battaglia’s in Illinois, he would have you shot or ransom you for money. Who knows, but either way...”

“My fate is sealed,” I conclude, downing my drink in one swig.

“How did you find me, Redneck?” I ask.

“Sheer coincidence. I saw you walk in here two months ago. I’ve come in since, a couple of times, disguised, to make sure it was you.

Fortunately for me, it was. I did some digging and learned you’re on the run. You’re now working with some black hat all-women ring hackers to protect yourself, right?

Incognito, they call themselves. I know everything, little girl. You’re in some real trouble in New York, you know?”

“Well, so are you,” I retort, like a child.

“True, but not as much as you. Your father is paying a ten million bounty to anyone who finds you.

One phone call...” he picks up his phone, “and I’ll be welcomed back in New York with open arms.”

A whooshing sound echoes in my skull, and blood rushes to my face. My heart begins to pound, and I tremble. My knuckles turn white from squeezing the stem of my glass.

“I swear to you, Redneck, I never expected you to do this,” I whimper.

“Do you think I’m bad for associating with the mafia? I used to think you people were awful. I used to think your family was murderers, rapists, racists, and everything else in the book. But, looking at you right now... I know

you’re not bad people. Rosalie ... I don’t want to do this. There is another way.”

“I love my life and won’t let go of it so easily. You told me you don’t want ill will...”

“Yes, that’s true.”

“Then leave my past behind, and go home, Redneck. Don’t meddle in my future,” I shake my head.

“I can’t do that, Rosalia. Which do you want to be, Emily or Rosalie? Because if Rosalie, I’ll be calling your father. If Emily, as I said ... there’s another way. Protection price.”

“Name it,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Make Felix Carlisi fall in love with you.”

“What the fuck?” I screech. “Are you insane? If he finds out who I am, I’d be dead.”

“You’d be dead either way,” he says. “And he won’t find out. The only person who knows who you are in Illinois is me.

The rest of the honchos from New York ain’t allowed to step foot in here. I’ll protect you, and in exchange, you’ll help me regain footing.”

“How?” I ask, “I have no power.”

“Ah,” he says, flicking a finger through his mustache. “But you do. Once you have access to Felix, I want you to spy on him. Get me all the routes for his truck deliveries pan America.