“I don’t need you to make me feel safe,” she says.

I lean closer to her, my lips ghosting over her ear as I whisper, “But what if I want to?”

She shivers, her eyes meeting mine for the first time since we left the woods.

They’re filled with uncertainty, but underneath that, I can see a glimmer of desire.

I take a chance and tilt my head, brushing my lips lightly against hers.

She responds with a hesitant kiss, and I deepen it immediately, tasting her for the first time.

She’s a little salty from the blood on her lip, and I remember why we’re here. I remember what she’s been through.

I pull away. It takes every ounce of self-control, but it’s the right thing to do.

She nods understandingly.

“Are you hungry?” I ask.

She nods again.

I bandage her up, give her some ice packs and prepare a few sandwiches.

When I’m done, she stands there, waiting.

“Can I go home now?”

“Where is home, Emily?” I ask.

“The White Rabbit,” she mumbles.

“I’ve been going there every night,” I say. “I haven’t seen you around.”

Emily looks away as though she’s in a conundrum.

“Stay here tonight. The sun is almost up. Tomorrow, have breakfast with me. After all, don’t you want to know how I know about the hackers?”

She nods.

“I’ll set you up then. Follow me, and this time, Emily ...” I say teasingly, “try not to hack into my systems.”

I turn to notice a little smile on her face.

Chapter 8


Iwakeup,andthe room is pitch black.

It takes me a few seconds to remember where I am. The memories from last night flood back, and I realize I’m in Felix’s guest room.

My body aches a little from Redneck’s rough hands that had taken brutal hold of me, but it is quickly forgotten as my mind drifts back to Felix’s warm embrace.

His tender kiss had melted away all the fear and anxiety that had welled within me since the night began.

The security Felix had given me by offering me a place to stay for the night filled me with unexplainable joy.

He was so different from everything else I’d experienced in life, so caring and gentle.