She removes the drive and sits there, almost as though she's being haunted. Minutes pass by. Ten, fifteen, thirty.

"Why the hell isn't she leaving?" asks Enzo.

I shake my head. "If I had any answers, I wouldn't have called you Enzo."

And then she takes the drives and throws them in the paper bin near my desk.

"What the fuck?" asks Enzo as I stare in disbelief.

"Could you be wrong?" I ask Enzo. "About someone having access to all the information?

Maybe she failed to copy the data. Maybe she was sitting and thinking of what more she could do in this case, Enzo. Tell me, are you wrong?"

"I don't know," he says, standing from the chair. "The only way to know? We go check."

We rush to my study, and Enzo grabs the drives from the bin. We insert it into the computer, and Enzo's eyes widen with shock.

"She had all the data," he says. "Everything. It's on here." He inserts the other and runs the same scans. "The data is on both of these."

"Then why..." I ask, looking at Enzo, "Would she not take it and run? She had it all within grasp. She could have made a run for it and never been caught. She wasted time sitting there, thinking. Why didn't she take her chance?"

"And who?" added Enzo, "was she speaking with on the phone? Wouldn't she be accountable to them?"

"I don't know," I say, taking a seat and lighting up a cigar.

"Maybe she truly does like you," says Enzo. "Because she thought about the consequences. Maybe she changed her mind?"

"True," I whisper. "Enzo, can you zoom in on the phone call since she was on speaker and try to find a number for it? Could you, perhaps, get a software to read her lips for me?"

Enzo nods. I wait for a few hours, awake and restless, until he returns.

"Boss," he says, shaking his eyes in disbelief. "You ever heard of the group anonymous?"

I nod - "They are hackers," I say. "A network of people, together, working under one name, to take down the worst of the worst on the world and the web."

"She's one of them."

"What?" I screech in shock.

"Well, not anonymous, but some group similar to that. I couldn't find much, but it's a women's network, and I've only just heard rumors about a group called Illuminati.

Well, she mentioned the word when she spoke to them. The software scan clearly said that the woman spoke the following words – it's for my safety. I wouldn’t ask the Illuminati if I didn’t believe it to be life or death for myself

or someone else."

I shake my head, puzzled. Did she fear me? Did someone she knew believe I would harm them?

"Find out everything you can about this Illuminati," I tell Enzo. "And make sure no one within the clan knows what you're up to. Today didn't happen."

Chapter 6


Fornow,IconvinceRodriguez, the White Rabbit’s owner, to hire another girl behind the bar.

All it takes is to say I have Covid, and he’s quarantined me in my room.

I know it’s a lie, and I can’t hold this up forever, but what other choice do I have?