"Understood," Tony says, jotting down notes as we continue to discuss the logistics of the operation.

"Now, let's talk risks. There are plenty, obviously.

But our top priority has to be ensuring Rosalie's safety throughout all of this."

"Of course," I reply, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"We'll have to keep a close eye on her without raising suspicion.

Maybe assign someone to watch her discreetly."

"Good idea," Tony nods. "This whole thing is going to be a tightrope walk, Felix. We're going to be pushing our resources, risking our men, and potentially exposing ourselves to Drucci's wrath."

"Risks I'm willing to take," I say firmly, my jaw set with determination.

"Rosalie's safety is our main concern. And we'll do whatever it takes to protect her from that monster."

"Agreed," Tony adds, his eyes meeting mine with a shared resolve.

Over the last two days, we worked tirelessly to gather information on Hunter Drucci's whereabouts and activities.

Through surveillance, informants, and even hacking into his communications, we started to paint a picture of the man we're up against.

"Seems like he's been laying low lately," Tony observes one night as we pore over the latest batch of intel.

"Probably trying to stay off the radar after what happened with Rosalie's disappearance."

"Good," I reply, leaning back in my chair, my muscles aching from hours of sitting in the same position.

"That'll make it easier for us to strike when the time comes."

"True," Tony agrees, rubbing his eyes wearily. "But we can't get cocky, boss. This guy is dangerous and won't hesitate to retaliate if he senses something's off."

"Understood," I say, my thoughts straying again to Rosalie.

Her face, her laughter, the way she feels in my arms.

The fuel keeps me going, despite the exhaustion and the mounting pressure.

"Rosalie," I whisper, making a silent pledge to her as the shadows lengthen around us.

"No matter what it takes, I will keep you safe."

Chapter 41


"Your father knows you're here, Rosalie," Hunter Drucci sneers at me as he leans against the door frame.

"No one is coming to protect you. I'll take what was promised to me - you."

My heart pounds in my chest as I desperately try to find a way out of this situation.

But there's no escape from the truth in his words.

My father has abandoned me to this fate.

I may be Rosalie Battaglia in another life, but here, I am just Emily Jackson - helpless and afraid.